Platform sb1119_buoy
Autonomous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform buoy

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Daily tally tables:









Date/timeBlue whaleFin whaleOtherDurationTracks
12/01/19 00:10:241318900PT
12/01/19 00:25:240424900PT
12/01/19 00:40:240016900PT
12/01/19 00:55:240728900PT
12/01/19 01:10:240314900PT
12/01/19 01:25:240517900PT
12/01/19 01:40:240032900PT
12/01/19 01:55:240138900PT
12/01/19 02:10:240016900PT
12/01/19 02:25:240412900PT
12/01/19 02:40:24005900PT
12/01/19 02:55:2401019900PT
12/01/19 03:10:240115900PT
12/01/19 03:25:240119900PT
12/01/19 03:40:240010900PT
12/01/19 03:55:240324900PT
12/01/19 04:10:2401103900PT
12/01/19 04:25:2401231900PT
12/01/19 04:40:2411265900
12/01/19 04:55:2400319885PT
12/01/19 05:10:2420399900
12/01/19 05:25:2412348900
12/01/19 05:40:2400186900
12/01/19 05:55:2416309900PT
12/01/19 06:10:2410101900
12/01/19 06:25:240012900
12/01/19 06:40:24004900
12/01/19 06:55:24039900PT
12/01/19 07:10:24005900PT
12/01/19 07:25:24005900PT
12/01/19 07:40:240034900PT
12/01/19 07:55:2400134900PT
12/01/19 08:10:240087900PT
12/01/19 08:25:240130900
12/01/19 08:40:240017900
12/01/19 08:55:240129900PT
12/01/19 09:10:241278900PT
12/01/19 09:25:240019900PT
12/01/19 09:40:243355900PT
12/01/19 09:55:240546900PT
12/01/19 10:10:2419105900PT
12/01/19 10:25:2401174900PT
12/01/19 10:40:2404105900
12/01/19 10:55:2402288885PT
12/01/19 11:10:240659900PT
12/01/19 11:25:240979900PT
12/01/19 11:40:240255900
12/01/19 11:55:2401559900PT
12/01/19 12:10:240259900PT
12/01/19 12:25:2411325900PT
12/01/19 12:40:240324900PT
12/01/19 12:55:241322900PT
12/01/19 13:10:2411039900PT
12/01/19 13:25:2401024900PT
12/01/19 13:40:240738900PT
12/01/19 13:55:2401249900PT
12/01/19 14:10:2411548900PT
12/01/19 14:25:2401471900PT
12/01/19 14:40:241164900
12/01/19 14:55:2411862900PT
12/01/19 15:10:2401071900PT
12/01/19 15:25:2421456900PT
12/01/19 15:40:240026900
12/01/19 15:55:2401262900PT
12/01/19 16:10:240751900PT
12/01/19 16:25:2401041900PT
12/01/19 16:40:242833900PT
12/01/19 16:55:240743885PT
12/01/19 17:10:2401188900PT
12/01/19 17:25:240320900PT
12/01/19 17:40:24119900PT
12/01/19 17:55:240824900PT
12/01/19 18:10:240519900PT
12/01/19 18:25:24022900PT
12/01/19 18:40:24012900PT
12/01/19 18:55:240122900PT
12/01/19 19:10:241042900PT
12/01/19 19:25:240025900PT
12/01/19 19:40:240015900PT
12/01/19 19:55:240721900PT
12/01/19 20:10:242669900PT
12/01/19 20:25:240890900PT
12/01/19 20:40:240046900PT
12/01/19 20:55:242248900PT
12/01/19 21:10:241260900PT
12/01/19 21:25:240364900PT
12/01/19 21:40:241249900PT
12/01/19 21:55:241239900PT
12/01/19 22:10:242061900PT
12/01/19 22:25:240158900PT
12/01/19 22:40:240050900PT
12/01/19 22:55:240279885PT
12/01/19 23:10:243044900PT
12/01/19 23:25:240232900PT
12/01/19 23:40:240045900PT
12/01/19 23:55:240029900PT



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in PST time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics