Platform sb1119_buoy
Autonomous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform buoy

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Daily tally tables:




Date/timeBlue whaleFin whaleOtherDurationTracks
11/26/19 00:10:24006900PT
11/26/19 00:25:24006900PT
11/26/19 00:40:24013900PT
11/26/19 00:55:24013900PT
11/26/19 01:10:241016900PT
11/26/19 01:25:240011900PT
11/26/19 01:40:24004900PT
11/26/19 01:55:24003900PT
11/26/19 02:10:24013900PT
11/26/19 02:25:24004900PT
11/26/19 02:40:240014900PT
11/26/19 02:55:240024900PT
11/26/19 03:10:240022900PT
11/26/19 03:25:2400199900PT
11/26/19 03:40:2410226900
11/26/19 03:55:2440299900PT
11/26/19 04:10:2421181900
11/26/19 04:25:2402108900
11/26/19 04:40:241038900
11/26/19 04:55:240023885PT
11/26/19 05:10:240022900PT
11/26/19 05:25:240022900PT
11/26/19 05:40:240210900PT
11/26/19 05:55:240116900PT
11/26/19 06:10:240010900PT
11/26/19 06:25:240418900PT
11/26/19 06:40:240148900PT
11/26/19 06:55:240119900PT
11/26/19 07:10:241137900PT
11/26/19 07:25:241340900PT
11/26/19 07:40:241125900PT
11/26/19 07:55:24009900PT
11/26/19 08:10:242037900PT
11/26/19 08:25:240032900PT
11/26/19 08:40:240014900PT
11/26/19 08:55:240124900PT
11/26/19 09:10:240536900PT
11/26/19 09:25:240650900PT
11/26/19 09:40:2411067900PT
11/26/19 09:55:240443900PT
11/26/19 10:10:240859900PT
11/26/19 10:25:24010116900PT
11/26/19 10:40:241666900
11/26/19 10:55:240959885PT
11/26/19 11:10:240683900PT
11/26/19 11:25:242776900PT
11/26/19 11:40:240634900
11/26/19 11:55:2401245900PT
11/26/19 12:10:2411174900PT
11/26/19 12:25:240539900PT
11/26/19 12:40:240021900
11/26/19 12:55:240057900PT
11/26/19 13:10:240044900PT
11/26/19 13:25:241255900PT
11/26/19 13:40:240128900
11/26/19 13:55:242233900PT
11/26/19 14:10:240425900PT
11/26/19 14:25:241222900PT
11/26/19 14:40:241531900PT
11/26/19 14:55:2401033900PT
11/26/19 15:10:2401540900PT
11/26/19 15:25:24128142900PT
11/26/19 15:40:24129182900
11/26/19 15:55:24221267900PT
11/26/19 16:10:24024179900
11/26/19 16:25:24518158900
11/26/19 16:40:240863900
11/26/19 16:55:24231155885PT
11/26/19 17:10:2412199900
11/26/19 17:25:2431247900
11/26/19 17:40:2436237900
11/26/19 17:55:24110268900PT
11/26/19 18:10:2419146900
11/26/19 18:25:2406115900
11/26/19 18:40:2420109900
11/26/19 18:55:2412106900PT
11/26/19 19:10:2422138900PT
11/26/19 19:25:2410121900
11/26/19 19:40:240091900
11/26/19 19:55:2421188900PT
11/26/19 20:10:2410283900
11/26/19 20:25:2430385900
11/26/19 20:40:2410201900
11/26/19 20:55:2430253900PT
11/26/19 21:10:2410400900
11/26/19 21:25:2451615900
11/26/19 21:40:2401116900
11/26/19 21:55:24211101900PT
11/26/19 22:10:2417106900PT
11/26/19 22:25:240063900
11/26/19 22:40:2413118900
11/26/19 22:55:2401174885PT
11/26/19 23:10:2400126900
11/26/19 23:25:2410173900
11/26/19 23:40:2421152900
11/26/19 23:55:2440160900PT



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in PST time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics