Platform sb1119_buoy
Autonomous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform buoy

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Daily tally tables:







Date/timeBlue whaleFin whaleOtherDurationTracks
11/29/19 00:10:240121900PT
11/29/19 00:25:240224900PT
11/29/19 00:40:240723900PT
11/29/19 00:55:240341900PT
11/29/19 01:10:240625900PT
11/29/19 01:25:241658900PT
11/29/19 01:40:240028900PT
11/29/19 01:55:241435900PT
11/29/19 02:10:240348900PT
11/29/19 02:25:240133900PT
11/29/19 02:40:240340900PT
11/29/19 02:55:240142900PT
11/29/19 03:10:241735900PT
11/29/19 03:25:241251900PT
11/29/19 03:40:2412157900PT
11/29/19 03:55:24238142900PT
11/29/19 04:10:2401274900PT
11/29/19 04:25:2401540900
11/29/19 04:40:240026900
11/29/19 04:55:2403484885PT
11/29/19 05:10:2401958900PT
11/29/19 05:25:240639900PT
11/29/19 05:40:240315900
11/29/19 05:55:2411760900PT
11/29/19 06:10:240516900PT
11/29/19 06:25:241915900PT
11/29/19 06:40:240212900PT
11/29/19 06:55:24048900PT
11/29/19 07:10:240134900PT
11/29/19 07:25:240560900PT
11/29/19 07:40:24012900PT
11/29/19 07:55:24018900PT
11/29/19 08:10:240011900PT
11/29/19 08:25:24007900PT
11/29/19 08:40:24016900PT
11/29/19 08:55:240325900PT
11/29/19 09:10:241239900PT
11/29/19 09:25:2445114900PT
11/29/19 09:40:241075900
11/29/19 09:55:2401372900PT
11/29/19 10:10:241680900PT
11/29/19 10:25:241764900PT
11/29/19 10:40:241236900
11/29/19 10:55:24543154885PT
11/29/19 11:10:243390900PT
11/29/19 11:25:245967900
11/29/19 11:40:241395900
11/29/19 11:55:24435221900PT
11/29/19 12:10:242137900
11/29/19 12:25:242674900
11/29/19 12:40:240036900
11/29/19 12:55:24442173900PT
11/29/19 13:10:241440900PT
11/29/19 13:25:2411035900
11/29/19 13:40:241849900
11/29/19 13:55:24231219900PT
11/29/19 14:10:24223127900
11/29/19 14:25:24318188900
11/29/19 14:40:24112132900
11/29/19 14:55:24433194900PT
11/29/19 15:10:2431154900
11/29/19 15:25:24521195900
11/29/19 15:40:24130220900
11/29/19 15:55:24124196900PT
11/29/19 16:10:24332233900
11/29/19 16:25:241028198900
11/29/19 16:40:24218104900
11/29/19 16:55:24622133885PT
11/29/19 17:10:2402992900PT
11/29/19 17:25:2411799900
11/29/19 17:40:2401573900
11/29/19 17:55:2427257900PT
11/29/19 18:10:24021186900
11/29/19 18:25:24059101900
11/29/19 18:40:24143125900
11/29/19 18:55:24127105900PT
11/29/19 19:10:2421455900PT
11/29/19 19:25:24132141900PT
11/29/19 19:40:2401240900
11/29/19 19:55:24434144900PT
11/29/19 20:10:2421245900PT
11/29/19 20:25:241236900
11/29/19 20:40:240471900
11/29/19 20:55:2422989900PT
11/29/19 21:10:24243160900PT
11/29/19 21:25:24237229900
11/29/19 21:40:24428302900
11/29/19 21:55:24232240900PT
11/29/19 22:10:24313153900
11/29/19 22:25:24313101900
11/29/19 22:40:24316120900
11/29/19 22:55:24419229885PT
11/29/19 23:10:24738434900
11/29/19 23:25:243688900
11/29/19 23:40:24639495900
11/29/19 23:55:24839427900PT



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in PST time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics