Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/15/24 00:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 6, approriate frequency and downsweep shape
05/15/24 06:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 9, appropriate frequency, downsweep shape, and not much noise in panel
05/15/24 07:15:20Detected37.1610-75.2498D SW: two classified singlets and a doublet that was partially classified in panels 11 and 15-16, apprporiate frequency, downsweep shape, and different/higher amplitude compared to rest of PT data in the panels
05/15/24 08:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 7, appropriate frequency, downsweep shape, and fairly isolated from rest of PT data/noise in the panel
05/15/24 22:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 7, appropriate frequency and downsweep shape with a different amplitude compared to rest of PT data in panel

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/15/24 00:30:20Detected37.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15-16 sec, panels 10-15 panel 8- potentially unclassified SW singlet
05/15/24 00:45:20Detected37.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15-16 sec, panels 14-16
05/15/24 01:00:20Detected37.1610-75.2498D FW: two groups of 4+ consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15 sec, panels 1-2 and 10-11
05/15/24 01:15:20Detected37.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15-16 sec, panels 4- 5 and 12-16
05/15/24 01:30:20Detected37.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15 sec, panels 1-2 and 6-7


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/15/24 00:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 6, approriate frequency and downsweep shape
05/15/24 00:30:2037.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15-16 sec, panels 10-15 panel 8- potentially unclassified SW singlet
05/15/24 00:45:2037.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15-16 sec, panels 14-16
05/15/24 01:00:2037.1610-75.2498D FW: two groups of 4+ consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15 sec, panels 1-2 and 10-11
05/15/24 01:15:2037.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15-16 sec, panels 4- 5 and 12-16
05/15/24 01:30:2037.1610-75.2498D FW: several consecutively classified pulses with IPI about 15 sec, panels 1-2 and 6-7
05/15/24 02:15:2037.1610-75.2498panel 14- possible SW downsweep, unclassified
05/15/24 06:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 9, appropriate frequency, downsweep shape, and not much noise in panel
05/15/24 07:15:2037.1610-75.2498D SW: two classified singlets and a doublet that was partially classified in panels 11 and 15-16, apprporiate frequency, downsweep shape, and different/higher amplitude compared to rest of PT data in the panels
05/15/24 08:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 7, appropriate frequency, downsweep shape, and fairly isolated from rest of PT data/noise in the panel
05/15/24 22:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 7, appropriate frequency and downsweep shape with a different amplitude compared to rest of PT data in panel
