
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/17/23 03:15:2037.1610-75.2498panel 3- falsely classified SW call
10/17/23 08:15:2037.1610-75.2498panel 15- falsely classified RW call, just noise
10/17/23 09:15:2037.1610-75.2498lots of noise in panels 12-13
10/17/23 11:15:2037.1610-75.2498some noise and a false RW detection in panel 2
10/17/23 16:15:2037.1610-75.2498panel 9- PD RW, unclassified call
10/17/23 21:15:2037.1610-75.2498Lots of noise. False RW call in panel 2
