Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
03/10/22 02:24:36Possibly detected38.9957-74.0650Possible faint HW song in P2-3 but the pitch tracks are very short.
03/10/22 02:39:36Possibly detected38.9947-74.0634Two possible faint HW upsweeps in P16.
03/10/22 02:54:36Possibly detected38.9938-74.0617Possible faint HW song throughout the period, but the pitch tracks are all relatively short.
03/10/22 03:24:36Possibly detected38.9913-74.0627Possible faint HW upsweep in P4 and possible faint song in P7-8.
03/10/22 03:39:36Possibly detected38.9913-74.0643Possible faint HW upsweeps in P4 and 12.
03/10/22 03:54:36Possibly detected38.9913-74.0658
03/10/22 04:09:36Possibly detected38.9912-74.0674
03/10/22 05:24:36Detected38.9911-74.0752
03/10/22 05:39:36Detected38.9911-74.0768
03/10/22 06:24:36Detected38.9886-74.0826
03/10/22 06:39:36Detected38.9887-74.0843


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
03/10/22 02:09:3638.9967-74.0667Two possible faint HW downsweeps in P9 but they’re very short and could be noise.
03/10/22 02:24:3638.9957-74.0650Possible faint HW song in P2-3 but the pitch tracks are very short.
03/10/22 02:39:3638.9947-74.0634Two possible faint HW upsweeps in P16.
03/10/22 02:54:3638.9938-74.0617Possible faint HW song throughout the period, but the pitch tracks are all relatively short.
03/10/22 03:24:3638.9913-74.0627Possible faint HW upsweep in P4 and possible faint song in P7-8.
03/10/22 03:39:3638.9913-74.0643Possible faint HW upsweeps in P4 and 12.
03/10/22 15:24:3639.0156-74.1349There are couple of faint downsweeps in P13 that could be HW, but there’s more faint noise in that exact frequency band in P7-9.
03/10/22 17:09:3639.0213-74.1392Series of LF downsweeps in P14-15. Same characteristics as the series of LF downsweeps captured on the Atlantic City buoy in the morning of 3/10/22. The glider is in the same area as the buoy. Possible unidentified baleen whale?
03/10/22 17:24:3639.0226-74.1397Shorter series of LF downsweeps in P2 and 13.
03/10/22 17:39:3639.0238-74.1403There’s faint noise around 200 Hz in this period, slightly higher frequency than the series of downsweeps observed in recent periods.
03/10/22 18:39:3639.0289-74.1423A few short downsweeps around 150 Hz in P11.
03/10/22 21:24:3639.0432-74.1565Possible classified upcall in P3 but it’s extremely faint and could easily be noise.
