Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/17/15 14:14:58Detected42.8205-65.2440
11/17/15 16:14:58Detected42.8323-65.2419
11/17/15 18:14:58Detected42.8341-65.2229
11/17/15 20:14:58Detected42.8292-65.2083
11/17/15 22:14:58Possibly detected42.8275-65.2092Fin: p4 several fin calls in pattern. Faint and other noise. Possible. Check spectrogram.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/17/15 17:09:3842.8370-65.2372Right: several unclassified upcalls. Not convincing enough for possible, but check spectrogram.
11/17/15 22:14:5842.8275-65.2092Fin: p4 several fin calls in pattern. Faint and other noise. Possible. Check spectrogram.
11/17/15 23:29:5842.8337-65.2239Fin: several classified fin calls but not in pattern.
