Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/22/15 03:58:31Detected42.9133-65.1149Sei: 1 classified downsweep within nice doublet. Detected.
10/22/15 05:13:31Detected42.9209-65.1179

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/22/15 02:56:17Detected42.9018-65.1121p8 several unknown tonals. Check spectrogram.
10/22/15 03:58:31Detected42.9133-65.1149Sei: 1 classified downsweep within nice doublet. Detected.
10/22/15 05:13:31Detected42.9209-65.1179
10/22/15 05:58:31Detected42.9249-65.1115
10/22/15 07:58:31Detected42.9318-65.0931
10/22/15 09:13:31Detected42.9258-65.0733
10/22/15 09:58:31Possibly detected42.9303-65.0680p1-2 5 possible fin calls in pattern. 4 classified, but several are fragmented/of varying amplitudes. Amid enough noise so pattern is a little difficult to distinguish. Borderline so I'll go with possible.
10/22/15 11:58:31Detected42.9250-65.0485
10/22/15 12:53:19Detected42.9294-65.0436
10/22/15 14:58:31Detected42.9268-65.0737
10/22/15 17:58:31Detected42.9416-65.0725p7-8 4 classified calls in pattern. Faint, but there are several other isolated and faint calls throughout the record. Also several classified calls before and after this segment, but with calls missing from pattern. This extra evidence pushes me up to detected.
10/22/15 21:58:31Detected42.9587-65.0269Fin: p6-7 5 calls in pattern with 4 classified.
10/22/15 23:13:31Possibly detected42.9576-64.9979Fin: p7 4 calls in pattern, 3 classified. Other noise present. Possible


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/22/15 02:56:1742.9018-65.1121p8 several unknown tonals. Check spectrogram.
10/22/15 03:58:3142.9133-65.1149Sei: 1 classified downsweep within nice doublet. Detected.
10/22/15 09:58:3142.9303-65.0680p1-2 5 possible fin calls in pattern. 4 classified, but several are fragmented/of varying amplitudes. Amid enough noise so pattern is a little difficult to distinguish. Borderline so I'll go with possible.
10/22/15 10:51:4542.9224-65.0556Sei: p9 possible sei doublet, but neither are classified. Not enough for possible. Check spectogram
10/22/15 13:58:3142.9231-65.0551Many tonal signals, not sure if they're biological. Check spectrogram.
10/22/15 15:58:3142.9324-65.0694p6 several Fin calls but IPI is much too short. Other noise present. Could be multiple animals, but too short to be convincing. Not detected. p12 unknown LF tonals (4x pattern)
10/22/15 17:58:3142.9416-65.0725p7-8 4 classified calls in pattern. Faint, but there are several other isolated and faint calls throughout the record. Also several classified calls before and after this segment, but with calls missing from pattern. This extra evidence pushes me up to detected.
10/22/15 21:58:3142.9587-65.0269Fin: p6-7 5 calls in pattern with 4 classified.
10/22/15 23:13:3142.9576-64.9979Fin: p7 4 calls in pattern, 3 classified. Other noise present. Possible
