Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/31/16 11:47:41Detected40.2607-73.2198Nice SW doublet in P5!
10/31/16 13:32:41Detected40.2607-73.2198
10/31/16 14:32:41Detected40.2607-73.2198Clear SW doublet in P9 but unclassified, going against protocol and scoring this period as Detected.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/31/16 03:47:4140.2607-73.2198Some faint PTs in P2 and 11 that could be very faint upcalls but they could easily be noise as well. Evidence is inconclusive here...
10/31/16 10:32:4140.2607-73.2198What could be two LF downsweeps in P6 and another in P12 but they may just be noise.
10/31/16 11:47:4140.2607-73.2198Nice SW doublet in P5!
10/31/16 14:32:4140.2607-73.2198Clear SW doublet in P9 but unclassified, going against protocol and scoring this period as Detected.
