Platform ncch1220_ncch
Autonomous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform ncch

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Daily tally tables:

Date/timeSei whaleFin whaleRight whaleHumpback whaleOtherDurationTracks
12/03/20 13:51:37050056900PT
12/03/20 14:06:37040053900PT
12/03/20 14:21:370301151900PT
12/03/20 14:36:370400288900
12/03/20 14:51:370500264900PT
12/03/20 15:06:370401170900
12/03/20 15:21:370700229900
12/03/20 15:36:370300196900
12/03/20 15:51:370200125900PT
12/03/20 16:06:37011084900PT
12/03/20 16:21:37020095900
12/03/20 16:36:37030071900
12/03/20 16:51:370001240900PT
12/03/20 17:06:370000140900
12/03/20 17:21:370100117900
12/03/20 17:36:370200213900
12/03/20 17:51:370000151900PT
12/03/20 18:06:370011148900PT
12/03/20 18:21:37000099900
12/03/20 18:36:370000104900
12/03/20 18:51:37000039900PT
12/03/20 19:06:37000019900PT
12/03/20 19:21:37000025900PT
12/03/20 19:36:37000067900PT
12/03/20 19:51:37000020900PT
12/03/20 20:06:37000056900PT
12/03/20 20:21:37000084900PT
12/03/20 20:36:370011174900PT
12/03/20 20:51:370001115900PT
12/03/20 21:06:370011104900PT
12/03/20 21:21:370000140900
12/03/20 21:36:37002148900
12/03/20 21:51:370000126900PT
12/03/20 22:06:370001142900PT
12/03/20 22:21:37001061900
12/03/20 22:36:37002063900
12/03/20 22:51:370000106900PT
12/03/20 23:06:370000161900PT
12/03/20 23:21:370000201900
12/03/20 23:36:370021196900
12/03/20 23:51:370030238900PT



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in EST time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics