Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/05/24 10:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P9 has decent shape, SW-PD. There is other low frequency noise throughout the period, including other downsweeps that are likely noise and are a different amplitude than the possible SW detection.
07/05/24 10:57:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P6 has good shape and amplitude. Two other unclassified downsweeps of similar amplitude in same panel. Second classified SW detection is after data transmission ends. SW-PD.
07/05/24 22:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P3 is isolated and has nice shape, SW-PD. FW-PD in P13-14.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/05/24 14:42:29Detected38.3027-74.6445BW- FW-D in P4-6
07/05/24 20:57:29Detected38.3027-74.6445BW- FW-D in P3-4.
07/05/24 22:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P3 is isolated and has nice shape, SW-PD. FW-PD in P13-14.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/05/24 10:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P9 has decent shape, SW-PD. There is other low frequency noise throughout the period, including other downsweeps that are likely noise and are a different amplitude than the possible SW detection.
07/05/24 10:57:2938.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P6 has good shape and amplitude. Two other unclassified downsweeps of similar amplitude in same panel. Second classified SW detection is after data transmission ends. SW-PD.
07/05/24 14:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- FW-D in P4-6
07/05/24 15:12:2938.3027-74.6445BW- classified RW detection is after data transmission ended, RW-ND
07/05/24 15:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- classified RW detection in P3 is within noise and is faint and misshapen. RW- ND.
07/05/24 20:27:2938.3027-74.6445BW- 3 classified FW detections in P3 have inconsistent INI and amplitude, FW-ND
07/05/24 20:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- FW detections in P13 and P15-16 have variable INI and are within other LF noise, FW-ND.
07/05/24 20:57:2938.3027-74.6445BW- FW-D in P3-4.
07/05/24 22:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- classified SW detection in P3 is isolated and has nice shape, SW-PD. FW-PD in P13-14.
