Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/14/24 00:27:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445HB - classified single SW call in panel 6 - SW PD.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/14/24 12:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445KS - P5 FW - PD 3 consecutive classified pulses consistent amplitude and INI, lots of surrounding noise in this period, possible HW social sounds in the shape of loud low frequency downsweeps around 100Hz in P2, 4, 6, and 7

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/14/24 12:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445KS - P5 FW - PD 3 consecutive classified pulses consistent amplitude and INI, lots of surrounding noise in this period, possible HW social sounds in the shape of loud low frequency downsweeps around 100Hz in P2, 4, 6, and 7
06/14/24 13:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445KS - possible humpback social sounds in P1 and P6 at 100Hz pts are fairly isolated, loud and some pattern is evident
06/14/24 18:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445KS - unfamiliar pattern of loud low frequency downsweeps in P2, HW - PD


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/14/24 00:12:2938.3027-74.6445HB - classified RW call in panel 11, but short and doesn't have good shape - RW ND.
06/14/24 00:27:2938.3027-74.6445HB - classified single SW call in panel 6 - SW PD.
06/14/24 12:42:2938.3027-74.6445KS - P5 FW - PD 3 consecutive classified pulses consistent amplitude and INI, lots of surrounding noise in this period, possible HW social sounds in the shape of loud low frequency downsweeps around 100Hz in P2, 4, 6, and 7
06/14/24 13:42:2938.3027-74.6445KS - possible humpback social sounds in P1 and P6 at 100Hz pts are fairly isolated, loud and some pattern is evident
06/14/24 18:42:2938.3027-74.6445KS - unfamiliar pattern of loud low frequency downsweeps in P2, HW - PD
06/14/24 19:42:2938.3027-74.6445KS - loud low frequency downsweeps throughout period, longer in duration than previous periods, but no distinct pattern and some other noise is period within the same frequency range, sound could be biological but not enough context to determine species
