
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/29/22 00:10:1838.3030-74.6450JT- poss, faint HW SS in P6-10,P13,P15 but not enough amplitude or context to be sure so HW-ND.
11/29/22 00:25:1838.3030-74.6450JT- poss HW SS in clusters in P2,P3,P5,P13 but most are faint or very short PTs so HW-ND.
11/29/22 01:25:1838.3030-74.6450JT- faint PTs across freq range but all have artifact so all spp-ND
11/29/22 03:25:1838.3030-74.6450JT- lots of faint PTs with a lot of artifact from P11-end--poss non-biological sounds.
11/29/22 03:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT- PTs likely non-biological noise
11/29/22 05:10:1838.3030-74.6450JT- poss HW SS in P7,P9,P12,P15 but not enough context so HW-ND
11/29/22 06:10:1838.3030-74.6450JT- RW upcall in P4 appears to be misclassified so RW-ND.
11/29/22 06:25:1838.3030-74.6450JT- poss HW SS in P2 but HW-ND
11/29/22 06:55:1838.3030-74.6450JT- interesting PTs in P5 and P12 but poss non-biol. The PTs are loud in the LF and have harmonics but there's a lot of artifact.
11/29/22 07:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT- lots of loud, LF PTs but FW-ND
11/29/22 08:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT-Interesting PTs with some good shapes in the 600-800Hz range but the rest are faint and have artifact so HW-ND
11/29/22 18:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT- some faint PTs right at 150Hz- poss non-biol.
11/29/22 23:10:1838.3030-74.6450JT- faint, short PTs with artifact across the freq range and hard to tell if the source is biological
11/29/22 23:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT- PTs across the freq range but it's difficult to determine if sound is biological bc the PTs are too short, too faint, and/or contain too much artifact
