Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
06/26/22 02:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS - P10 and P11 loud short pts, pattern is hard to discern and pts lack shape hw
- ND |
06/26/22 06:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P2 pts in the higher frequency a couple with nice smooth shape could be part
of HW song but not enough context |
06/26/22 10:34:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- High frequency tonal sounds |
06/26/22 19:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- lots of low frequency sounds, many classified FW calls inconsistent IPI FW -
ND |
06/26/22 20:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P2 many classified FW calls inconsistent IPI FW - ND |