Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
12/31/21 04:04:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- RW upsweeps are loud- RW D, but other sounds around. HW might be producing-
12/31/21 04:19:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- RW upcalls look good-RW D |
12/31/21 05:49:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- HW presence less clear here- RW D |
12/31/21 10:34:58 | Possibly detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- 2 unclassified upcalls, single classified upcalls was after transmission ended RW -
PD |
12/31/21 11:04:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- multiple classified RW calls, good shape, loud and no pattern RW - D. Some faint
mid-frequency pitch tracks in panels 15 and 16 HW - PD |
12/31/21 11:19:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- 3 classified upcalls before transmission ended for RW loud good shape, no obvious
presence of humpbacks RW - D |
12/31/21 20:04:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- 5 upcalls, one classified RW - D |
12/31/21 22:19:58 | Detected | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
12/31/21 02:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- a few PT that look a bit biological (P14) but not enough to determine
presence- HW ND |
12/31/21 03:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- PT short but don't look like artifacts in P3 and P8- HW PD
12/31/21 03:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- two small upsweeps but too few calls to indicate presence- HW ND |
12/31/21 03:49:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- Biological looking sounds in P1/2- HW PD
12/31/21 04:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- RW upsweeps are loud- RW D, but other sounds around. HW might be producing-
12/31/21 04:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- RW upcalls look good-RW D |
12/31/21 05:49:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- HW presence less clear here- RW D |
12/31/21 09:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P8 has very short faint pitch tracks, not enough to confirm HW - ND |
12/31/21 10:34:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- 2 unclassified upcalls, single classified upcalls was after transmission ended RW -
PD |
12/31/21 11:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- multiple classified RW calls, good shape, loud and no pattern RW - D. Some faint
mid-frequency pitch tracks in panels 15 and 16 HW - PD |
12/31/21 11:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- 3 classified upcalls before transmission ended for RW loud good shape, no obvious
presence of humpbacks RW - D |
12/31/21 12:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P16 4 classified out 4 FW calls in sequence - PD. Classified RW calls are faint
with poor shape - ND |
12/31/21 13:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P5 and P6 multiple classified FW calls IPI isn't very consistent - PD |
12/31/21 15:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- loud multiple 20 Hz pulses, most are not classified but are loud, inconsistent IPI |
12/31/21 17:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- Loud calls are not classified IPI is not very consistent, 3 consecutive FW calls
classified in P2 and P4 - PD |
12/31/21 18:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- Very faint short pitchtracks in the mid - frequency, slight up and down motion to
the sounds in P2, possible broken up HW song - PD |
12/31/21 18:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- Panel 3 has 4 consecutive calls with inconsistent IPI FW - D |
12/31/21 20:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- 5 upcalls, one classified RW - D |
12/31/21 20:34:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS - single, very long, loud upcall in P5 not enough to be classified RW - ND |
12/31/21 22:34:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- Inconsistent IPI and very faint FW - ND |