Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
07/27/21 06:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- calls still mostly faint- HW ND |
07/27/21 10:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- SW detection is after transmission, no calls in sequence to be FW - ND |
07/27/21 11:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- Inconsistent IPI, not enough classified in sequence - FW ND one RW call
classified, faint - ND |
07/27/21 12:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- RW call is faint only 1 classified - ND, FW calls are classified after
transmission - ND, Possible song pattern in Panels 2 - 4 most sounds are
faint, but louder low tonal frequency sounds - HW PD?
ADF- loud, lower frequency sounds not in call-type pattern, not enough upper frequency sounds-HW ND |
07/27/21 13:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- one classified RW call, faint - ND |
07/27/21 14:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- RW calls are classified after transmission - ND, no calls in sequence FW
ND and no discernible pattern for HW detection, ND |
07/27/21 16:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- multiple panels with low frequency tonal sound that is faint, no pattern -
07/27/21 17:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | ADF- possible repeated PT in P9 and P10, but faint- HW ND |
07/27/21 17:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- SW call is classified after transmission - ND |
07/27/21 21:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- RW call is faint and only 1 - ND |