Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/07/19 03:39:05Detected42.3874-70.4884SEI: panel 3, classified doublet; possible singles in panels 5, 6, & 8
04/07/19 03:54:05Detected42.3877-70.4901
04/07/19 04:09:05Detected42.3879-70.4918
04/07/19 05:39:05Detected42.3894-70.5009SEI: classified doublet in panel 14, other doublet in panel 12, classified single in panel 11
04/07/19 06:09:05Detected42.3899-70.5050
04/07/19 06:54:05Possibly detected42.3905-70.5112SEI: singles in panels 5 & 8
04/07/19 07:29:28Detected42.3911-70.5168SEI: panel 4 classified doublet
04/07/19 07:54:05Possibly detected42.3916-70.5183SEI: singles in panels 7 & 9
04/07/19 10:24:05Possibly detected42.3749-70.5273SEI: singles in panels 13 & 12
04/07/19 10:39:05Possibly detected42.3723-70.5283SEI: panel 4
04/07/19 11:09:05Detected42.3673-70.5300SEI: appears to be multiple animals. Overlapping classified singles in panel 12, overlapping doublets in panel 15, additional doublets in panels 11 & 13
04/07/19 11:54:05Possibly detected42.3599-70.5326SEI: classified singles in panels 2 & 3
04/07/19 12:09:05Detected42.3574-70.5334SEI: classified doublet in panel 15
04/07/19 14:33:28Possibly detected42.3361-70.5326SEI: classified single in panel 8, potential single in panel 10
04/07/19 15:09:05Detected42.3349-70.5304SEI: classified doublet, panel 11
04/07/19 15:39:05Possibly detected42.3304-70.5300SEI: panel 7 NARW: panel 15
04/07/19 16:39:05Detected42.3213-70.5291SEI: classified doublet in panel 6, faint potential doublets in panels 8 & 12
04/07/19 17:39:05Detected42.3172-70.5279SEI: many classified doublets and singles NARW: calltype 6 inpanel 5, looks like an artifact
04/07/19 17:54:05Detected42.3152-70.5286
04/07/19 18:39:05Detected42.3091-70.5304
04/07/19 18:54:05Detected42.3071-70.5311SEI: many calls
04/07/19 19:09:05Detected42.3051-70.5317SEI: classified single in panel 3; doublets in panels 2, 5, & 11
04/07/19 19:39:05Detected42.3041-70.5312
04/07/19 19:54:05Detected42.3024-70.5317
04/07/19 20:09:05Detected42.3007-70.5321SEI: classified doublet in panel 14, other faint doublets in panels 9, 12, & 16
04/07/19 21:54:05Detected42.2909-70.5331SEI: panel 3 classified doublet
04/07/19 22:24:05Detected42.2896-70.5284SEI: panel 13 classified doublet, panel 3 faint potential doublet
04/07/19 22:54:05Detected42.2882-70.5237SEI: panel 6 classified doublet, panel 11 classified single, panel 15 unclassified doublet
04/07/19 23:09:05Possibly detected42.2875-70.5213SEI: no protocol for unclassified doublets, but there are two isolated pairs in panels 2 & 3, so marking this Possibly

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/07/19 00:22:27Possibly detected42.3887-70.4628
04/07/19 02:39:05Possibly detected42.3873-70.4831NARW: panel 16, isolated faint call
04/07/19 15:39:05Possibly detected42.3304-70.5300SEI: panel 7 NARW: panel 15

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/07/19 02:39:05Possibly detected42.3873-70.4831NARW: panel 16, isolated faint call
04/07/19 14:54:05Possibly detected42.3366-70.5312
04/07/19 15:54:05Possibly detected42.3281-70.5298
04/07/19 16:39:05Possibly detected42.3213-70.5291SEI: classified doublet in panel 6, faint potential doublets in panels 8 & 12
04/07/19 17:54:05Possibly detected42.3152-70.5286
04/07/19 22:54:05Possibly detected42.2882-70.5237SEI: panel 6 classified doublet, panel 11 classified single, panel 15 unclassified doublet
04/07/19 23:09:05Possibly detected42.2875-70.5213SEI: no protocol for unclassified doublets, but there are two isolated pairs in panels 2 & 3, so marking this Possibly


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/07/19 00:09:0542.3894-70.4589SEI: panel 16, potential faint truncated doublet NARW: panel 3, calltype 7, but appears to be part of noise nearby
04/07/19 02:39:0542.3873-70.4831NARW: panel 16, isolated faint call
04/07/19 03:39:0542.3874-70.4884SEI: panel 3, classified doublet; possible singles in panels 5, 6, & 8
04/07/19 05:39:0542.3894-70.5009SEI: classified doublet in panel 14, other doublet in panel 12, classified single in panel 11
04/07/19 05:54:0542.3896-70.5030SEI: possible doublet in panel 10
04/07/19 06:24:0542.3901-70.5071SEI: panel 2, classified single and faint doublet
04/07/19 06:54:0542.3905-70.5112SEI: singles in panels 5 & 8
04/07/19 07:29:2842.3911-70.5168SEI: panel 4 classified doublet
04/07/19 07:54:0542.3916-70.5183SEI: singles in panels 7 & 9
04/07/19 08:39:0542.3855-70.5211NARW: upcalls in panels 7, 9, & 10 (with potential faint call in panel 8)
04/07/19 10:24:0542.3749-70.5273SEI: singles in panels 13 & 12
04/07/19 10:39:0542.3723-70.5283SEI: panel 4
04/07/19 11:09:0542.3673-70.5300SEI: appears to be multiple animals. Overlapping classified singles in panel 12, overlapping doublets in panel 15, additional doublets in panels 11 & 13
04/07/19 11:54:0542.3599-70.5326SEI: classified singles in panels 2 & 3
04/07/19 12:09:0542.3574-70.5334SEI: classified doublet in panel 15
04/07/19 14:33:2842.3361-70.5326SEI: classified single in panel 8, potential single in panel 10
04/07/19 15:09:0542.3349-70.5304SEI: classified doublet, panel 11
04/07/19 15:39:0542.3304-70.5300SEI: panel 7 NARW: panel 15
04/07/19 16:39:0542.3213-70.5291SEI: classified doublet in panel 6, faint potential doublets in panels 8 & 12
04/07/19 16:53:1342.3191-70.5288SEI: faint doublet in panel 10
04/07/19 17:39:0542.3172-70.5279SEI: many classified doublets and singles NARW: calltype 6 inpanel 5, looks like an artifact
04/07/19 18:54:0542.3071-70.5311SEI: many calls
04/07/19 19:09:0542.3051-70.5317SEI: classified single in panel 3; doublets in panels 2, 5, & 11
04/07/19 20:09:0542.3007-70.5321SEI: classified doublet in panel 14, other faint doublets in panels 9, 12, & 16
04/07/19 20:24:0542.2990-70.5325SEI: panel 10 potential doublet, panel 16 potential single
04/07/19 20:39:0542.2973-70.5330SEI: panel 2 and panel 9 potential doublets
04/07/19 21:54:0542.2909-70.5331SEI: panel 3 classified doublet
04/07/19 22:24:0542.2896-70.5284SEI: panel 13 classified doublet, panel 3 faint potential doublet
04/07/19 22:54:0542.2882-70.5237SEI: panel 6 classified doublet, panel 11 classified single, panel 15 unclassified doublet
04/07/19 23:09:0542.2875-70.5213SEI: no protocol for unclassified doublets, but there are two isolated pairs in panels 2 & 3, so marking this Possibly
