Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/24 06:49:48Possibly detected47.6810-63.6945Four upcalls in P10-11 (one classified as HW). The calls are mid-amplitude, isolated, and nicely shaped.
08/22/24 12:04:48Possibly detected47.6683-63.6450One classified RW upcall in P8. Two possible upcalls in P9-10 (unclassified). The classified call is mid- to high-amplitude, isolated, with good shape and duration.
08/22/24 12:49:48Possibly detected47.6712-63.6432Two classified RW upcalls in P4 and P11. The call in P4 is part of multiple pitch tracks likely produced by glider self-noise. The call in P11 is high amplitude, isolated, has reasonable shape, but is short duration.
08/22/24 16:04:48Possibly detected47.6807-63.6241One classified RW upcall in P7. Two possible upcalls in P9-10 (unclassified). The classified call is mid- to high-amplitude, isolated, and has good shape and duration. The unclassified calls are low- and mid-amplitude and poorly shaped; they are not good enough to support a definite detection.
08/22/24 16:49:48Possibly detected47.6797-63.6200Two classified RW upcalls in P9. The calls are high- and mid-amplitude and are isolated by frequency and/or amplitude from surrounding sounds. The first call is longer in duration with a good shape.
08/22/24 18:49:48Possibly detected47.6729-63.6048Two classified RW upcalls in P5. They are high amplitude and one is isolated. However, these calls are short with poor shapes.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/24 03:04:4847.6912-63.7229One classified RW upcall in P5; it is faint and very short.
08/22/24 06:49:4847.6810-63.6945Four upcalls in P10-11 (one classified as HW). The calls are mid-amplitude, isolated, and nicely shaped.
08/22/24 08:19:4847.6757-63.6878One classified downsweep in P3; it is not isolated.
08/22/24 12:04:4847.6683-63.6450One classified RW upcall in P8. Two possible upcalls in P9-10 (unclassified). The classified call is mid- to high-amplitude, isolated, with good shape and duration.
08/22/24 12:49:4847.6712-63.6432Two classified RW upcalls in P4 and P11. The call in P4 is part of multiple pitch tracks likely produced by glider self-noise. The call in P11 is high amplitude, isolated, has reasonable shape, but is short duration.
08/22/24 13:49:4847.6742-63.6367One classified RW upcall in P10. Although it is high amplitude, this call is poorly shaped and is not isolated.
08/22/24 14:49:4847.6772-63.6302One classified RW upcall in P12. It is high amplitude and isolated from surrounding sounds, but it is too short with unconvincing shape.
08/22/24 16:04:4847.6807-63.6241One classified RW upcall in P7. Two possible upcalls in P9-10 (unclassified). The classified call is mid- to high-amplitude, isolated, and has good shape and duration. The unclassified calls are low- and mid-amplitude and poorly shaped; they are not good enough to support a definite detection.
08/22/24 16:19:4847.6814-63.6239One possible loud upcall in P3 (unclassified).
08/22/24 16:49:4847.6797-63.6200Two classified RW upcalls in P9. The calls are high- and mid-amplitude and are isolated by frequency and/or amplitude from surrounding sounds. The first call is longer in duration with a good shape.
08/22/24 18:49:4847.6729-63.6048Two classified RW upcalls in P5. They are high amplitude and one is isolated. However, these calls are short with poor shapes.
