Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/06/24 18:49:48Possibly detected47.6909-63.2883Possible RW upcalls in P2, 3 & 7. The calls in P2 are low- to mid-amplitude, partially faint, with a good shape and duration, and are isolated from surrounding sounds. The call in P7 is mid-amplitude, isolated, although it is shorter and less shapely.
08/06/24 20:49:48Possibly detected47.6767-63.2842One classified RW upcall in P7. It is low- to mid-amplitude, with good shape and duration, and is reasonably isolated, even though it is preceded and followed by background noise with some of it being of similar frequency and amplitude.
08/06/24 22:49:48Possibly detected47.6707-63.2762One classified RW upcall in P6 and possibly a second one in P7 (unclassified). The classified call is high amplitude, with nice shape and duration, and is isolated.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/06/24 18:49:4847.6909-63.2883Possible RW upcalls in P2, 3 & 7. The calls in P2 are low- to mid-amplitude, partially faint, with a good shape and duration, and are isolated from surrounding sounds. The call in P7 is mid-amplitude, isolated, although it is shorter and less shapely.
08/06/24 19:49:4847.6838-63.2862One possible high-frequency upcall in P9.
08/06/24 20:49:4847.6767-63.2842One classified RW upcall in P7. It is low- to mid-amplitude, with good shape and duration, and is reasonably isolated, even though it is preceded and followed by background noise with some of it being of similar frequency and amplitude.
08/06/24 22:04:4847.6713-63.2798Two classified RW upcalls in P7 & 8. The first call is not isolated and is likely produced by background noise. The second call is high amplitude, but it is poorly shaped with artifacts, and is followed by two incidents of high-amplitude noise.
08/06/24 22:49:4847.6707-63.2762One classified RW upcall in P6 and possibly a second one in P7 (unclassified). The classified call is high amplitude, with nice shape and duration, and is isolated.
08/06/24 23:49:4847.6665-63.2780One classified RW upcall in P2. It is low- to mid-amplitude, isolated, and of long duration. However, it is poorly shaped and has artifacts.
