Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/21/24 08:04:48Possibly detected47.7689-63.9382Two classified RW upcalls in P13 & 15. The call in P13 is isolated but poorly shaped with inconsistent amplitude modulation. The call in P15, while isolated, of reasonable duration, and in the mid-amplitude range, is modified by artifacts. Additionally, three possible RW upcalls in P4, 5 & 15 (unclassified). The loud call in P15 is short duration and also modified by artifacts. The upcalls in P4 & 5 are very similar, with longer duration, adequate shape, and both frequency- and amplitude-modulated. However, they fall within the lower frequency range for NARW calls, have inconsistent amplitude, and are not classified.
07/21/24 10:41:00Possibly detected47.7597-63.9385One classified RW upcall in P5; it is isolated, has adequate shape and duration, and is mid- to high-amplitude.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/21/24 08:04:4847.7689-63.9382Two classified RW upcalls in P13 & 15. The call in P13 is isolated but poorly shaped with inconsistent amplitude modulation. The call in P15, while isolated, of reasonable duration, and in the mid-amplitude range, is modified by artifacts. Additionally, three possible RW upcalls in P4, 5 & 15 (unclassified). The loud call in P15 is short duration and also modified by artifacts. The upcalls in P4 & 5 are very similar, with longer duration, adequate shape, and both frequency- and amplitude-modulated. However, they fall within the lower frequency range for NARW calls, have inconsistent amplitude, and are not classified.
07/21/24 10:04:4847.7605-63.9361One classified RW upcall in P5; it is isolated, mid-amplitude, and has reasonable duration. The shape is barely adequate, however.
07/21/24 10:41:0047.7597-63.9385One classified RW upcall in P5; it is isolated, has adequate shape and duration, and is mid- to high-amplitude.
