
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/08/24 04:43:5047.7741-63.9288One classified RW upcall in P10; it is faint and short-duration.
07/08/24 09:49:4847.7384-63.9260One classified upcall in P8 - identified as HW. It is low- to mid-amplitude, isolated, and has a reasonable duration, but the shape is not clear and could possibly be RW.
07/08/24 20:44:2947.7313-63.8511One classified RW upcall in P6; although it has reasonable shape, it is low- amplitude and very short-duration.
07/08/24 21:19:4847.7308-63.8526One classified RW upcall in P5; although this call is mid- to high-amplitude and isolated from surrounding sounds, it is very short-duration and its head end is modified by an artifact.
