Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/10/24 03:21:39Possibly detected49.0139-63.2060One classified SW downsweep in P10, although the shape is not convincing.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/10/24 19:51:39Detected49.0294-63.3449P12-14 - 15sec INI FW calls
09/10/24 20:06:39Detected49.0295-63.3450P2-3 - 16sec INI FW

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/10/24 19:06:39Possibly detected49.0292-63.3449P5,6,9,14 - BW calls here with one concave down. P14 is rather broken.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/10/24 00:06:3948.9814-63.2177Possible BW A calls in P14 & 16.
09/10/24 00:21:3948.9814-63.2175Possible BW A call in P3.
09/10/24 03:21:3949.0139-63.2060One classified SW downsweep in P10, although the shape is not convincing.
09/10/24 12:51:3949.0506-63.2901P10 - non-concave call (type17)
09/10/24 16:51:3949.0385-63.3144P10 - non-concave down call
09/10/24 18:36:3949.0290-63.3449P2,3,4,14 - BW A-calls though they are not very long.
09/10/24 19:06:3949.0292-63.3449P5,6,9,14 - BW calls here with one concave down. P14 is rather broken.
09/10/24 19:51:3949.0294-63.3449P12-14 - 15sec INI FW calls
09/10/24 20:06:3949.0295-63.3450P2-3 - 16sec INI FW
