Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/21/24 05:51:39Possibly detected49.2500-63.9363P8 - two SW down calls.
08/21/24 06:06:39Possibly detected49.2499-63.9395P2 - single sw call


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/21/24 00:51:3949.2496-63.9127P2 - is a type 17 call that could be end of an arch call.
08/21/24 01:51:3949.2498-63.9146P10 - type 17 call no concavity
08/21/24 05:51:3949.2500-63.9363P8 - two SW down calls.
08/21/24 06:06:3949.2499-63.9395P2 - single sw call
08/21/24 06:51:3949.2497-63.9489P7 - two type 17 calls first one is a longer duration and could be end of an arch call. Other lacks concavity
08/21/24 10:36:3949.2497-63.9628Possible RW call in P8, although it is unclassified, low amplitude, and has a short duration.
