Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 08:13:06Possibly detected49.3685-64.7754Possible SW downsweep in P6 (classified), although this should be treated cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods.
08/29/24 17:43:06Possibly detected49.3662-64.6816Possible SW downsweep in P13 (classified).

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 20:43:06Possibly detected49.3563-64.5867BW arch calls in P2 & 3. Four possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P15 with an INI = 12 seconds.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 01:43:06Detected49.3808-64.9430Probable BW arch and D calls in P2, 5, 6, 11, 12, & 16.
08/29/24 01:57:47Possibly detected49.3808-64.9430Possible parts of BW arch calls in P2, 3, 6, & 8; although there is a SW classification in P3, it appears that it is part of an arch call with a broken pitch track.
08/29/24 04:58:06Possibly detected49.3739-64.8716Possible BW D calls in P9 & 16, both of which are concave-down.
08/29/24 05:13:06Possibly detected49.3738-64.8715Probable BW D calls (or partial arch calls) throughout the period, several of which appear to have downward concavity, although this is difficult to confirm.
08/29/24 06:58:06Possibly detected49.3676-64.7804Possible BW arch calls in P8 & 9.
08/29/24 07:13:06Detected49.3678-64.7794BW arch calls in P2-6.
08/29/24 13:43:06Detected49.3686-64.7517BW arch calls in P12 & 13.
08/29/24 20:43:06Detected49.3563-64.5867BW arch calls in P2 & 3. Four possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P15 with an INI = 12 seconds.
08/29/24 23:28:06Detected49.3587-64.6118Probable BW arch calls in P3-6, 9, 10, & 13-15.
08/29/24 23:43:06Possibly detected49.3586-64.6117Possible partial BW arch calls in P2-4 (broken pitch tracks).


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 01:28:0649.3809-64.9431Possible BW D calls in P8 & 12.
08/29/24 01:43:0649.3808-64.9430Probable BW arch and D calls in P2, 5, 6, 11, 12, & 16.
08/29/24 01:57:4749.3808-64.9430Possible parts of BW arch calls in P2, 3, 6, & 8; although there is a SW classification in P3, it appears that it is part of an arch call with a broken pitch track.
08/29/24 03:43:0649.3743-64.8719Possible BW D call in P9.
08/29/24 04:58:0649.3739-64.8716Possible BW D calls in P9 & 16, both of which are concave-down.
08/29/24 05:13:0649.3738-64.8715Probable BW D calls (or partial arch calls) throughout the period, several of which appear to have downward concavity, although this is difficult to confirm.
08/29/24 06:58:0649.3676-64.7804Possible BW arch calls in P8 & 9.
08/29/24 07:13:0649.3678-64.7794BW arch calls in P2-6.
08/29/24 08:13:0649.3685-64.7754Possible SW downsweep in P6 (classified), although this should be treated cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods.
08/29/24 13:43:0649.3686-64.7517BW arch calls in P12 & 13.
08/29/24 17:43:0649.3662-64.6816Possible SW downsweep in P13 (classified).
08/29/24 17:58:0649.3661-64.6814Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P8, 9, 11, 12, & 14 (unclassified, no discernible downward concavity).
08/29/24 18:13:0649.3660-64.6812Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P10 & 11.
08/29/24 20:43:0649.3563-64.5867BW arch calls in P2 & 3. Four possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P15 with an INI = 12 seconds.
08/29/24 22:58:0649.3587-64.6118Possible partial BW arch call in P8 (short duration).
08/29/24 23:28:0649.3587-64.6118Probable BW arch calls in P3-6, 9, 10, & 13-15.
08/29/24 23:43:0649.3586-64.6117Possible partial BW arch calls in P2-4 (broken pitch tracks).
