Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/28/24 03:43:06Possibly detected49.0791-63.4522P6,8,10 - have calls - P10 is a SW classification but P6&8 could be BW. So be aware
06/28/24 03:58:06Possibly detected49.0792-63.4521P11 - one classified SW call - So PD but caution due know given the context around BW in other periods.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/28/24 00:13:0649.0983-63.5075P4 - broken call? P16 - very angular call - BW?
06/28/24 00:28:0649.0982-63.5075P3 - quiet potential D-call BW.
06/28/24 01:13:0649.0785-63.4532P3 - part of an arch call maybe BW
06/28/24 03:43:0649.0791-63.4522P6,8,10 - have calls - P10 is a SW classification but P6&8 could be BW. So be aware
06/28/24 03:58:0649.0792-63.4521P11 - one classified SW call - So PD but caution due know given the context around BW in other periods.
06/28/24 04:13:0649.0792-63.4520P4,5,8,9,15 - all v quiet calls - could be BW w/ concave up but short and quiet.
06/28/24 04:28:0649.0793-63.4519P5&9 - both quiet - P9 classified as 17 - could be BW calls.
06/28/24 04:43:0649.0793-63.4517P4,6,13 - v quiet could be BW or artefacts
