Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 00:50:15Possibly detected48.8863-62.9844P5 - single SW call.
08/29/24 16:35:15Possibly detected48.8098-62.8604P1,2,7 - SW call in P2. Calls in P1 are broken. P7 is concave up. PD for SW but have caution as likely it is a BW.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 23:35:15Detected48.7855-62.8075P9 has a type18 call. P11 has a RW classified call and P12 has a non-classified call that looks like RW. The calls are isolated, maybe not all the best shape but likely there is a RW present here.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 01:50:15Detected48.8858-62.9850P5,7-14 - BW concave down calls and arch calls. Though P5,12,14 have SW classified calls two looks to be part of an arch call and the about and clarity of other BW calls marks this period to be BW over SW.
08/29/24 09:50:15Possibly detected48.8220-62.8927P4,5,9 - looks like BW calls. P9 has slight downward concavity.
08/29/24 10:50:15Possibly detected48.8215-62.8926P11,13,14 - though these calls have broken pitch tracks they have clear downward concavity of d-calls. This could be D for BW but marking PD as calls are so broken.
08/29/24 17:05:15Possibly detected48.8097-62.8606P2,3,16 - though P16 is a sw call the calls in P2 and 3 looks like they could be the end of arch calls in P2 so PD for BW over SW
08/29/24 17:34:52Possibly detected48.8027-62.8413P1 two long calls one slight concave down and one concave up. PD for BW


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/29/24 00:05:1548.8866-62.9839P5-6 very broken calls that look to be concave down but lack clarity.
08/29/24 00:50:1548.8863-62.9844P5 - single SW call.
08/29/24 01:50:1548.8858-62.9850P5,7-14 - BW concave down calls and arch calls. Though P5,12,14 have SW classified calls two looks to be part of an arch call and the about and clarity of other BW calls marks this period to be BW over SW.
08/29/24 02:35:1548.8855-62.9854P1,2,4,11 - have a lot of very low amplitude calls that are broken. P2 has a type 17 call. Could be a BW here but the calls are not very good.
08/29/24 06:50:1548.8569-62.9356There are low amplitude calls across the periods that are broken they look to be maybe BW calls with some concave down and some long duration but are very poor calls.
08/29/24 09:50:1548.8220-62.8927P4,5,9 - looks like BW calls. P9 has slight downward concavity.
08/29/24 10:50:1548.8215-62.8926P11,13,14 - though these calls have broken pitch tracks they have clear downward concavity of d-calls. This could be D for BW but marking PD as calls are so broken.
08/29/24 12:05:1548.8209-62.8924P6-11 - though one SW call in P9 that is concave up there are other non-concave calls and what could be concave down but broken call in P6 so not marking PD for either BW or SW as can not tell here.
08/29/24 13:35:1548.8108-62.8593P3 - single quiet call here.
08/29/24 14:35:1548.8104-62.8597P1 - a broken call that only has end part of concave up but with broken part further away when get full track back this could be d-call.
08/29/24 15:50:1548.8101-62.8601P2&15 - broken concave up calls.
08/29/24 16:05:1548.8100-62.8602P7,8,12 - parts of calls that can not classify
08/29/24 16:20:1548.8099-62.8603P1,2,3,9,15 - Though P15 has a SW classified call. The calls in P1 and P2 including a type17 call that may be BW. These calls do not have clear concavity so not marking for either species.
08/29/24 16:35:1548.8098-62.8604P1,2,7 - SW call in P2. Calls in P1 are broken. P7 is concave up. PD for SW but have caution as likely it is a BW.
08/29/24 16:50:1548.8098-62.8605P1,2,10,11 - long concave up calls. Could be part of arch or d-calls but as concave up hard to classify.
08/29/24 17:05:1548.8097-62.8606P2,3,16 - though P16 is a sw call the calls in P2 and 3 looks like they could be the end of arch calls in P2 so PD for BW over SW
08/29/24 17:20:1548.8096-62.8607P1,2,15 - the SW call in P1 was looked at in last period. There is a non-concave type17 call in P15. Other calls have no concavity or upward concavity.
08/29/24 17:34:5248.8027-62.8413P1 two long calls one slight concave down and one concave up. PD for BW
08/29/24 17:50:1548.7981-62.8284P3&4 - there is a type 17 concave up call in P3. All other calls are concave up or broken. Could be BW but not enough detail.
08/29/24 19:20:1548.7982-62.8279P3 - type 17 call no concavity
08/29/24 23:35:1548.7855-62.8075P9 has a type18 call. P11 has a RW classified call and P12 has a non-classified call that looks like RW. The calls are isolated, maybe not all the best shape but likely there is a RW present here.
