Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/28/24 10:50:15Possibly detected48.8596-62.8793P7 - single very quiet SW call. P14 has calls crossing 50hz but not enough detail to negate the SW PD.
08/28/24 11:35:15Possibly detected48.8595-62.8791P5 - single quiet SW call - have caution given context of periods around this and BW.
08/28/24 19:35:15Possibly detected48.8819-62.9281P1&14 have single classified SW calls. P1,5,7,10 have unclassified calls. No calls here are concave down so can only go on the SW classification calls here that PD SW BUT given wider context when looking at these calls have caution due to probable BW in the area.
08/28/24 20:35:15Possibly detected48.8814-62.9281P1&15 - are sw classified calls P12 is a type 17 call. No calls are concave down but have caution with these calls for SW.
08/28/24 21:35:15Possibly detected48.8809-62.9282P3 has a SW call and P4 has a type 17 call have caution with the SW PD here

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/28/24 08:05:15Possibly detected48.8379-62.8499P6-9 - though one sw call in here in P8 call across other periods are clearly BW though broken there are arch and concave down d-calls. As all the calls are broekn marking PD for BW.
08/28/24 09:20:15Detected48.8378-62.8495P14-15 - five BW arch calls though the tracks are a little broken. They have 6+ second duration and decent amplitude in places.
08/28/24 09:32:13Detected48.8525-62.8697P1-3 - BW arch and concave down d-calls.
08/28/24 11:05:15Detected48.8595-62.8792P8&12 have concave down type 17 calls BUT then P14-15 have a nice series of 9 arch calls.
08/28/24 11:20:15Detected48.8595-62.8792P1-4, P6, P13-14 - have a series of BW concave down d-calls and potentially arch calls.
08/28/24 12:20:15Detected48.8594-62.8790P6,9,11,15,16 - P6 has a type 17 call with no concavity. P9 is a concave down at the start but broken call. P11 is a non-concave call. P15-16 have three long good amplitude arch calls.
08/28/24 12:35:15Detected48.8594-62.8789P1-6 - many arch and concave down d-calls of BW here.
08/28/24 13:35:15Possibly detected48.8592-62.8787P11-12 broken calls that looks to be concave down d-calls and arch calls marking PD due to broken nature.
08/28/24 14:35:15Possibly detected48.8721-62.9038P4-5 concave down BW calls.
08/28/24 14:50:15Detected48.8718-62.9036P6-11 - though there are two SW classifications (P9&10) the rest of the calls include concave down d-calls and arch calls. So D for BW here not SW detection.
08/28/24 16:05:15Possibly detected48.8702-62.9023P4-6 - multiple non concave type 17 calls. P6 has an arch call so PD for BW.
08/28/24 16:20:15Possibly detected48.8699-62.9020P1,5,7,8 - single SW call in P1. Other calls in period have some down concavity so PD for BW.
08/28/24 17:05:15Possibly detected48.8689-62.9013P3,5,6 - broken calls that looks to be arch and concave down calls. Likely BW here but the calls are broken. So PD for BW.
08/28/24 17:35:15Detected48.8683-62.9008P5-13 - a mix of BW arch and d-calls lots of concave down and long arch calls in here.
08/28/24 18:20:15Detected48.8674-62.9000P3-8 - concave down and non-concave calls likely BW with arch and d-calls.
08/28/24 19:20:15Detected48.8820-62.9281P1,5,6,7,14- BW arch calls and concave down d-calls. P14 is type 17 call.
08/28/24 19:50:15Detected48.8818-62.9281P8 - type 17 call. There is a sw classification in P12 but it is surrounded by BW arch calls. BW arch calls in P10-14 calls are long with good amplitude if a little broken in places so D for BW over SW.
08/28/24 20:20:15Detected48.8815-62.9281P5& 9 have SW classifications non-concave call in P11. BUT then there are a series of very good amplitude and length BW arch calls in P12&14. P15 and 16 have concave down d-call and more arch calls. BW D here.
08/28/24 20:50:15Possibly detected48.8813-62.9281Though this period has three classified SW calls in P14 and two in P15 I am not convinced this is SW over BW. The second SW call in P15 look like it is the end of an arch call. P13 and 14 have two type 17 calls. Concave down call in P14 and an another arch call not connected to a SW call in P15. PD for BW due to the three SW calls.
08/28/24 21:05:15Detected48.8812-62.9281P1-3 - BW arch and concave down call
08/28/24 21:20:15Detected48.8811-62.9282Though there are SW calls in P8&9 there are BW arch and d-calls with down concavity across this period in in P3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11. D for BW not SW here.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/28/24 08:05:1548.8379-62.8499P6-9 - though one sw call in here in P8 call across other periods are clearly BW though broken there are arch and concave down d-calls. As all the calls are broekn marking PD for BW.
08/28/24 09:20:1548.8378-62.8495P14-15 - five BW arch calls though the tracks are a little broken. They have 6+ second duration and decent amplitude in places.
08/28/24 09:32:1348.8525-62.8697P1-3 - BW arch and concave down d-calls.
08/28/24 10:50:1548.8596-62.8793P7 - single very quiet SW call. P14 has calls crossing 50hz but not enough detail to negate the SW PD.
08/28/24 11:05:1548.8595-62.8792P8&12 have concave down type 17 calls BUT then P14-15 have a nice series of 9 arch calls.
08/28/24 11:20:1548.8595-62.8792P1-4, P6, P13-14 - have a series of BW concave down d-calls and potentially arch calls.
08/28/24 11:35:1548.8595-62.8791P5 - single quiet SW call - have caution given context of periods around this and BW.
08/28/24 12:20:1548.8594-62.8790P6,9,11,15,16 - P6 has a type 17 call with no concavity. P9 is a concave down at the start but broken call. P11 is a non-concave call. P15-16 have three long good amplitude arch calls.
08/28/24 12:35:1548.8594-62.8789P1-6 - many arch and concave down d-calls of BW here.
08/28/24 13:35:1548.8592-62.8787P11-12 broken calls that looks to be concave down d-calls and arch calls marking PD due to broken nature.
08/28/24 14:35:1548.8721-62.9038P4-5 concave down BW calls.
08/28/24 14:50:1548.8718-62.9036P6-11 - though there are two SW classifications (P9&10) the rest of the calls include concave down d-calls and arch calls. So D for BW here not SW detection.
08/28/24 15:05:1548.8714-62.9033P13 - non concave call.
08/28/24 15:35:1548.8708-62.9028P10 - single sw call. Another unclassified call in P10. P14 type 17 call the start is maybe a little concave down but not sure can use this to say BW is here but also not sure the P10 call is enough for SW given other calls in period so marking ND.
08/28/24 16:05:1548.8702-62.9023P4-6 - multiple non concave type 17 calls. P6 has an arch call so PD for BW.
08/28/24 16:20:1548.8699-62.9020P1,5,7,8 - single SW call in P1. Other calls in period have some down concavity so PD for BW.
08/28/24 17:05:1548.8689-62.9013P3,5,6 - broken calls that looks to be arch and concave down calls. Likely BW here but the calls are broken. So PD for BW.
08/28/24 17:35:1548.8683-62.9008P5-13 - a mix of BW arch and d-calls lots of concave down and long arch calls in here.
08/28/24 18:20:1548.8674-62.9000P3-8 - concave down and non-concave calls likely BW with arch and d-calls.
08/28/24 19:20:1548.8820-62.9281P1,5,6,7,14- BW arch calls and concave down d-calls. P14 is type 17 call.
08/28/24 19:35:1548.8819-62.9281P1&14 have single classified SW calls. P1,5,7,10 have unclassified calls. No calls here are concave down so can only go on the SW classification calls here that PD SW BUT given wider context when looking at these calls have caution due to probable BW in the area.
08/28/24 19:50:1548.8818-62.9281P8 - type 17 call. There is a sw classification in P12 but it is surrounded by BW arch calls. BW arch calls in P10-14 calls are long with good amplitude if a little broken in places so D for BW over SW.
08/28/24 20:05:1548.8817-62.9281P12 & 14 non -concave calls no classification
08/28/24 20:20:1548.8815-62.9281P5& 9 have SW classifications non-concave call in P11. BUT then there are a series of very good amplitude and length BW arch calls in P12&14. P15 and 16 have concave down d-call and more arch calls. BW D here.
08/28/24 20:35:1548.8814-62.9281P1&15 - are sw classified calls P12 is a type 17 call. No calls are concave down but have caution with these calls for SW.
08/28/24 20:50:1548.8813-62.9281Though this period has three classified SW calls in P14 and two in P15 I am not convinced this is SW over BW. The second SW call in P15 look like it is the end of an arch call. P13 and 14 have two type 17 calls. Concave down call in P14 and an another arch call not connected to a SW call in P15. PD for BW due to the three SW calls.
08/28/24 21:05:1548.8812-62.9281P1-3 - BW arch and concave down call
08/28/24 21:20:1548.8811-62.9282Though there are SW calls in P8&9 there are BW arch and d-calls with down concavity across this period in in P3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11. D for BW not SW here.
08/28/24 21:35:1548.8809-62.9282P3 has a SW call and P4 has a type 17 call have caution with the SW PD here
08/28/24 23:50:1548.8867-62.9838P11 - slight concave up call.
