Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 06:50:15Possibly detected48.6973-62.4387P3 and P12 - P3 is a classified sw call. P12 a non-concave call. So PD for SW.
08/25/24 09:50:15Possibly detected48.6992-62.5041P13 and 14 two SW single call.
08/25/24 16:05:15Possibly detected48.6898-62.4611P13 - non concave call with SW classification so PD for SW but have caution around BWs.
08/25/24 17:50:15Possibly detected48.7237-62.4931P13&15 - P15 has a single SW call. None of the other calls are concave down. Do PD for SW.
08/25/24 18:50:15Possibly detected48.7237-62.4933P13 - single sw call.
08/25/24 20:35:15Possibly detected48.7239-62.4937P15 - single SW call.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 08:50:15Possibly detected48.6993-62.5045Probable BW calls in P2, 4-6, 9, & 13; the second call in P2 has a portion of downward concavity. Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P15-16 with an INI = 12 seconds.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 11:05:15Detected48.6990-62.5037Possible RW upcalls in P2 & 13, all three of which are classified as HW call type 18, although there is no evidence of HW presence and all three calls are isolated. The two calls in P13 are nicely shaped and the call in P2 has an adequate pitch track, if you ignore the artifact at the end of the call. Altogether, we believe there is convincing evidence for scoring RW as Detected.
08/25/24 16:35:15Possibly detected48.6898-62.4609Possible RW upcalls in P6 & 7. The classified call in P7 and the unclassified call in P6 are reasonably shaped, despite being very low amplitude. There are also two additional possible upsweeps in P7, although they are also low amplitude and have very short durations, so do not have convincing, diagnostic shapes. The classified call in P11 has a large artifact and doesn't look like a strong candidate call. Probable RW presence, but this period has been scored PD.
08/25/24 17:20:15Possibly detected48.7236-62.4930Possible RW upcalls in P3 & 4. There's one beautiful, unambiguous upcall in P3 and a classified upcall in P4, although it's pieced together by artifacts. There's an additional possible upcall in P4 but it's unclassified and has a short duration, so lacks a convincing shape. Probable RW presence, but this period has been scored PD.
08/25/24 22:05:15Possibly detected48.7458-62.5521In P8&9 no classifications but looks like RW calls that are shapely, isolated and loud.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 06:35:15Possibly detected48.6973-62.4388P8,11,14 - P8 and 14 are type 17 calls but P8 could be part of an arch call and P14 is concave down but quiet. While P11 is broken but looks to be concave up. All together these are not great calls but I think can give us PD for BW.
08/25/24 08:35:15Possibly detected48.6994-62.5046Possible partial BW arch call in P15 and a D call in P14.
08/25/24 08:50:15Possibly detected48.6993-62.5045Probable BW calls in P2, 4-6, 9, & 13; the second call in P2 has a portion of downward concavity. Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P15-16 with an INI = 12 seconds.
08/25/24 09:05:15Detected48.6993-62.5044Probable BW calls in P1, 3, 5, & 6, several of which have downward concavity.
08/25/24 09:20:15Possibly detected48.6992-62.5043P7,11,15 - P7 could be slightly concave down or end of arch call. This appears to be BW PD. Two other calls non-cocnave
08/25/24 10:05:15Possibly detected48.6991-62.5040P12 and 13 - P12 concave up call but end looks to be an artefact. P13 is a type 17 call but looks to be the end of an arch call.
08/25/24 12:05:15Possibly detected48.6988-62.5033P8 and 11 - P8 is a concave down SW call while P11 is a concave down unclassified call. I think this could be BW rather than SW.
08/25/24 14:35:15Possibly detected48.6899-62.4620P4 - looks to be the end of an arch call. A little broken but marking PD for BW.
08/25/24 15:20:15Possibly detected48.6898-62.4615P8 & 9 - type 17 call in P8 and both concave down calls but very quiet. In P12 have a type18 HW call (with an artefact on the end) and a non classified call that could be RW evidence but that is all we have in this period.
08/25/24 15:35:15Detected48.6898-62.4614P4 - no classification here but note the pitched tracks in RW frequency and (poor) shape. Single SW call in P11 BUT it is concave down and in P10 and 13 have parts of arch calls plus concave down calls and P13 and 15 have non concave calls on it type 17.
08/25/24 18:20:15Possibly detected48.7237-62.4932P5,6,7,8,10,12,14 - P6&7 are type 17 calls. The calls in P7 & 8 are long and have slight concave down at the start. Marking PD for BW but this could be D.
08/25/24 19:35:15Possibly detected48.7238-62.4935P7&12 - a concave and non-concave down call. P12 is a type 17 call. PD for BW.
08/25/24 19:50:15Detected48.7238-62.4935P1,3,5,6,9,11 - While P1 is a SW call. The calls in the other periods have a type 17 that is non-concave (P3). P5 and 9 are concave down. Though p9 is broken I think this is D for BW.
08/25/24 20:50:15Detected48.7239-62.4938P6,11,14,15 - P6 is concave down call and another type 17 concave up call. P11 is concave up call with an artefact. P14 and 15 are arch calls. D for BW.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 06:20:1548.6972-62.4390P2&10 - two calls in here that could be BW but no concave down.
08/25/24 06:35:1548.6973-62.4388P8,11,14 - P8 and 14 are type 17 calls but P8 could be part of an arch call and P14 is concave down but quiet. While P11 is broken but looks to be concave up. All together these are not great calls but I think can give us PD for BW.
08/25/24 06:50:1548.6973-62.4387P3 and P12 - P3 is a classified sw call. P12 a non-concave call. So PD for SW.
08/25/24 07:05:1548.6973-62.4386P2&10 - two calls without a classification. P2 is concave up. P10 is slight concave down but has an artefact.
08/25/24 07:20:1548.6974-62.4385P4 - a concave up call.
08/25/24 07:35:1548.6974-62.4384P1 - type 17 concave up call.
08/25/24 08:35:1548.6994-62.5046Possible partial BW arch call in P15 and a D call in P14.
08/25/24 08:50:1548.6993-62.5045Probable BW calls in P2, 4-6, 9, & 13; the second call in P2 has a portion of downward concavity. Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P15-16 with an INI = 12 seconds.
08/25/24 09:05:1548.6993-62.5044Probable BW calls in P1, 3, 5, & 6, several of which have downward concavity.
08/25/24 09:20:1548.6992-62.5043P7,11,15 - P7 could be slightly concave down or end of arch call. This appears to be BW PD. Two other calls non-cocnave
08/25/24 09:35:1548.6992-62.5042P13 - looks to be end of BW arch call but not very long.
08/25/24 09:50:1548.6992-62.5041P13 and 14 two SW single call.
08/25/24 10:05:1548.6991-62.5040P12 and 13 - P12 concave up call but end looks to be an artefact. P13 is a type 17 call but looks to be the end of an arch call.
08/25/24 10:50:1548.6990-62.5038P10 - single short concave down call.
08/25/24 11:05:1548.6990-62.5037Possible RW upcalls in P2 & 13, all three of which are classified as HW call type 18, although there is no evidence of HW presence and all three calls are isolated. The two calls in P13 are nicely shaped and the call in P2 has an adequate pitch track, if you ignore the artifact at the end of the call. Altogether, we believe there is convincing evidence for scoring RW as Detected.
08/25/24 11:35:1548.6989-62.5035P9 - broken call that is not very long could it be end of an arch call? Maybe but not enough data here.
08/25/24 12:05:1548.6988-62.5033P8 and 11 - P8 is a concave down SW call while P11 is a concave down unclassified call. I think this could be BW rather than SW.
08/25/24 14:35:1548.6899-62.4620P4 - looks to be the end of an arch call. A little broken but marking PD for BW.
08/25/24 15:20:1548.6898-62.4615P8 & 9 - type 17 call in P8 and both concave down calls but very quiet. In P12 have a type18 HW call (with an artefact on the end) and a non classified call that could be RW evidence but that is all we have in this period.
08/25/24 15:35:1548.6898-62.4614P4 - no classification here but note the pitched tracks in RW frequency and (poor) shape. Single SW call in P11 BUT it is concave down and in P10 and 13 have parts of arch calls plus concave down calls and P13 and 15 have non concave calls on it type 17.
08/25/24 15:50:1548.6898-62.4613P2 - concave down call and a HW type 18 call that looks like RW call.
08/25/24 16:05:1548.6898-62.4611P13 - non concave call with SW classification so PD for SW but have caution around BWs.
08/25/24 16:35:1548.6898-62.4609Possible RW upcalls in P6 & 7. The classified call in P7 and the unclassified call in P6 are reasonably shaped, despite being very low amplitude. There are also two additional possible upsweeps in P7, although they are also low amplitude and have very short durations, so do not have convincing, diagnostic shapes. The classified call in P11 has a large artifact and doesn't look like a strong candidate call. Probable RW presence, but this period has been scored PD.
08/25/24 17:20:1548.7236-62.4930Possible RW upcalls in P3 & 4. There's one beautiful, unambiguous upcall in P3 and a classified upcall in P4, although it's pieced together by artifacts. There's an additional possible upcall in P4 but it's unclassified and has a short duration, so lacks a convincing shape. Probable RW presence, but this period has been scored PD.
08/25/24 17:50:1548.7237-62.4931P13&15 - P15 has a single SW call. None of the other calls are concave down. Do PD for SW.
08/25/24 18:20:1548.7237-62.4932P5,6,7,8,10,12,14 - P6&7 are type 17 calls. The calls in P7 & 8 are long and have slight concave down at the start. Marking PD for BW but this could be D.
08/25/24 18:50:1548.7237-62.4933P13 - single sw call.
08/25/24 19:35:1548.7238-62.4935P7&12 - a concave and non-concave down call. P12 is a type 17 call. PD for BW.
08/25/24 19:50:1548.7238-62.4935P1,3,5,6,9,11 - While P1 is a SW call. The calls in the other periods have a type 17 that is non-concave (P3). P5 and 9 are concave down. Though p9 is broken I think this is D for BW.
08/25/24 20:35:1548.7239-62.4937P15 - single SW call.
08/25/24 20:50:1548.7239-62.4938P6,11,14,15 - P6 is concave down call and another type 17 concave up call. P11 is concave up call with an artefact. P14 and 15 are arch calls. D for BW.
08/25/24 21:05:1548.7240-62.4938P14 - single non concave call.
08/25/24 21:20:1548.7240-62.4939P4 and P8 - P4 part of a call but not very shapely to allow classification. P8 though it is a SW classified call is concave down. Not marking as D or PD for anything.
08/25/24 22:05:1548.7458-62.5521In P8&9 no classifications but looks like RW calls that are shapely, isolated and loud.
08/25/24 23:35:1548.7452-62.5510Very quiet call in P14. No classification. Full of artefacts
