Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/24 01:50:15Possibly detected48.6298-62.2914Possible SW downsweeps in P5 (one classified, one unclassified).
08/24/24 03:05:15Possibly detected48.6288-62.2904Possible SW downsweep in P10 (classified), although this should be treated cautiously, given the possible BW presence in preceding periods.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/24 05:20:15Possibly detected48.6478-62.3380Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P14-15 with an INI = 10 seconds.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/24 02:20:15Possibly detected48.6294-62.2910Possible BW partial arch call in P13 and D call in P10.
08/24/24 17:05:15Possibly detected48.6490-62.3513Possible BW D calls in P9 & 11 (the call in P9 appears concave-down) and an A call in P15.
08/24/24 17:20:15Possibly detected48.6490-62.3513Possible BW A calls in P1, 3, 5-8, & 10.
08/24/24 17:35:15Detected48.6490-62.3513Unambiguous BW arch calls in P1 & 3.
08/24/24 18:05:15Possibly detected48.6490-62.3513Probable BW A calls in P6-8, 10, & 11.
08/24/24 19:20:15Possibly detected48.6794-62.4066Possible partial BW arch call in P4.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/24 01:35:1548.6300-62.2916Possible BW D calls in P4 & 9.
08/24/24 01:50:1548.6298-62.2914Possible SW downsweeps in P5 (one classified, one unclassified).
08/24/24 02:20:1548.6294-62.2910Possible BW partial arch call in P13 and D call in P10.
08/24/24 02:35:1548.6292-62.2908Possible BW D calls in P1, 3, 5, 7, & 9, none of which have discernible concavity.
08/24/24 03:05:1548.6288-62.2904Possible SW downsweep in P10 (classified), although this should be treated cautiously, given the possible BW presence in preceding periods.
08/24/24 05:20:1548.6478-62.3380Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P14-15 with an INI = 10 seconds.
08/24/24 16:35:1548.6490-62.3513Possible BW D call in P1 and A calls in P9 & 10.
08/24/24 16:50:1548.6490-62.3513Possible BW D calls in P3 & 7 and an A call in P11.
08/24/24 17:05:1548.6490-62.3513Possible BW D calls in P9 & 11 (the call in P9 appears concave-down) and an A call in P15.
08/24/24 17:20:1548.6490-62.3513Possible BW A calls in P1, 3, 5-8, & 10.
08/24/24 17:35:1548.6490-62.3513Unambiguous BW arch calls in P1 & 3.
08/24/24 18:05:1548.6490-62.3513Probable BW A calls in P6-8, 10, & 11.
08/24/24 18:50:1548.6795-62.4066Possible BW A call in P16.
08/24/24 19:05:1548.6794-62.4066Possible BW A call in P4.
08/24/24 19:20:1548.6794-62.4066Possible partial BW arch call in P4.
08/24/24 19:50:1548.6793-62.4066Possible RW upcall in P14; although the call is unclassified, it is mid- amplitude, isolated, and nicely shaped.
08/24/24 20:50:1548.6792-62.4066Possible BW D call (or partial arch call) in P4.
