Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/20/24 00:50:15Possibly detected48.5356-62.1912P8 non concave down call. P12 classified sw call.
08/20/24 05:50:15Possibly detected48.5349-62.2010P6,8,10,13 - P8 is a type 17 call. Other panels have no donward concavity. P2 is a SW classified call. So PD for SW
08/20/24 11:05:15Possibly detected48.5327-62.1580P2,5,11,12 - P5 is a SW classified call. P2 looks to be part of an arch call but has no downward concavity. No other calls have downward concavity.
08/20/24 15:35:15Possibly detected48.5328-62.1072P14 - single sw call.
08/20/24 16:05:15Possibly detected48.5331-62.1071P14 - single SW call down sweep - has concave down nature.
08/20/24 17:35:15Possibly detected48.5065-62.1235P11 - SW call. But in P5,13,15,16 have other calls. P5 is broken concave down, P13 and 16 are non concave and P15 is concave up. Could be BW but not a enough detail here so PD for SW.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/20/24 00:35:15Possibly detected48.5357-62.1913P7 - single RW upcall classified, loud and isolated. Pd for RW

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/20/24 05:20:15Possibly detected48.5350-62.2004P8 - two BW arch calls
08/20/24 19:20:15Possibly detected48.5051-62.1241P13&14 - potentially end of arch calls. P12 in particular is concave down so PD for BW.
08/20/24 20:35:15Possibly detected48.5042-62.1244P5-14 - P5&9 are SW classified calls. P8&14 are type 17 calls. Though calls in P11- 14 appear to be partial arch calls - they are long and have no or downward concavity.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/20/24 00:20:1548.5357-62.1913P13 - unclassified down call.
08/20/24 00:35:1548.5357-62.1913P7 - single RW upcall classified, loud and isolated. Pd for RW
08/20/24 00:50:1548.5356-62.1912P8 non concave down call. P12 classified sw call.
08/20/24 05:05:1548.5350-62.2002P8 and 10 look to be BW A-calls
08/20/24 05:20:1548.5350-62.2004P8 - two BW arch calls
08/20/24 05:50:1548.5349-62.2010P6,8,10,13 - P8 is a type 17 call. Other panels have no donward concavity. P2 is a SW classified call. So PD for SW
08/20/24 06:05:1548.5348-62.2012P1&P3 - a concave up and non concave calls. P1 could be part of an arch call but not downward concavity slight upward even. and P3 is not very long.
08/20/24 06:35:1548.5347-62.2017P9 - non concave call
08/20/24 10:05:1548.5325-62.1574P8 - no concavity call
08/20/24 11:05:1548.5327-62.1580P2,5,11,12 - P5 is a SW classified call. P2 looks to be part of an arch call but has no downward concavity. No other calls have downward concavity.
08/20/24 11:20:1548.5327-62.1582P2,3,7,8,12 - P3 is a type 17 call. No other calls are classified and none have downward concavity.
08/20/24 11:35:1548.5328-62.1583P2 - small hook at start could be concave down but not very convincing. Note this could be part of a BW arch call.
08/20/24 15:35:1548.5328-62.1072P14 - single sw call.
08/20/24 16:05:1548.5331-62.1071P14 - single SW call down sweep - has concave down nature.
08/20/24 16:20:1548.5333-62.1071P9 - low freq concave down call.
08/20/24 17:05:1548.5068-62.1234P3 - single type 17 call.
08/20/24 17:20:1548.5066-62.1234P5 - non concave part of a call
08/20/24 17:35:1548.5065-62.1235P11 - SW call. But in P5,13,15,16 have other calls. P5 is broken concave down, P13 and 16 are non concave and P15 is concave up. Could be BW but not a enough detail here so PD for SW.
08/20/24 17:50:1548.5063-62.1236P11&12 - non concave down calls.
08/20/24 18:20:1548.5059-62.1238P8&10 have two type 17 calls with no concavity. P7 is nice and long and looks like the end of an arch call but has no concavity. Calls in P8&9 have no concavity.
08/20/24 19:20:1548.5051-62.1241P13&14 - potentially end of arch calls. P12 in particular is concave down so PD for BW.
08/20/24 20:35:1548.5042-62.1244P5-14 - P5&9 are SW classified calls. P8&14 are type 17 calls. Though calls in P11- 14 appear to be partial arch calls - they are long and have no or downward concavity.
08/20/24 22:20:1548.4838-62.0705P11 - short call but could be end of an arch call - though call is broken.
