Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/18/24 03:35:15Possibly detected48.6873-62.5088One classified SW singlet in P7.
08/18/24 06:50:15Possibly detected48.6661-62.4416One classified SW singlet in P3 with possibly two additional downsweeps in P9 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 07:35:15Possibly detected48.6662-62.4408One classified SW singlet in P15 with possibly a second downsweep in P13 that is unclassified.
08/18/24 07:50:15Possibly detected48.6663-62.4405One classified SW singlet in P1 with possibly six additional downsweeps in P2 that are unclassified. The first two pairs of calls in P2 have about 3-4 seconds between calls; if any of these calls were classified, this period would be Detected for SW.
08/18/24 08:05:15Possibly detected48.6663-62.4402Two classified SW singlets in P7 and P8 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P4 and P9 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 08:20:15Detected48.6664-62.4399Three classified SW singlets in P5-7.
08/18/24 08:35:15Possibly detected48.6664-62.4397One classified SW singlet in P7 with possibly a second downsweep in P8 that is unclassified.
08/18/24 09:05:15Detected48.6665-62.4391Four classified SW singlets in P9 and P11-12 with possibly eight additional downsweeps between P8-14 that are unclassified. The calls in P11 could be triplets; the interval is about 3-4 seconds between calls, even though unclassified calls are only partially pitch tracked.
08/18/24 09:20:15Possibly detected48.6666-62.4389One classified SW singlet in P15 with possibly a second downsweep in P13 that is unclassified.
08/18/24 09:35:15Detected48.6666-62.4386Three classified SW singlets in P1, P2, and P10.
08/18/24 09:50:15Detected48.6667-62.4383Four classified SW singlets in P6 and P8-9 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P2, P4, and P11 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:05:15Possibly detected48.6667-62.4380Two classified SW singlets in P2 and P13 with possibly two additional downsweeps in P10 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:20:15Possibly detected48.6668-62.4378One classified SW singlet in P15 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P2 and P14 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:35:15Possibly detected48.6668-62.4375One classified SW singlet in P3 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P5, P8, and P14 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:50:15Possibly detected48.6611-62.4257One classified SW singlet in P14 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P2, P4, and P7 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 12:20:15Possibly detected48.6426-62.3850Possible SW downsweeps in P5 (classified) and P3 (unclassified), although these should be treated cautiously, given the slope and duration of the call in P3, which indicates these may be attributable to BW presence.
08/18/24 15:20:15Possibly detected48.6445-62.3813Possible SW downsweep in P14, although this should be treated cautiously, given the confirmed BW presence in preceding periods.
08/18/24 15:35:15Possibly detected48.6446-62.3810Possible SW downsweep in P15, although this should be treated cautiously, given the confirmed BW presence in preceding periods.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/18/24 03:05:15Possibly detected48.6874-62.5092Three possible FW pulses in P1 with INI = 8 seconds.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/18/24 13:05:15Possibly detected48.6430-62.3841Possible RW upcall in P9; although it is low amplitude, it is classified, isolated, and has an adequate shape despite a short duration.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/18/24 12:35:15Possibly detected48.6427-62.3847Possible BW calls in P4 & 6; although the call in P4 is classified as SW, the call in P6 appears to be a partial arch call with downward concavity, indicating these are attributable to BW presence. Possible RW upcalls in P6, although they are unclassified, low amplitude, have short durations, and aren't shapely calls.
08/18/24 12:50:15Possibly detected48.6429-62.3844Possible BW downsweeps in P6, 9, & 10; although the bout in P6 looks like it could be a SW triplet with one classification, it has inconsistent INIs that are > 3.5 s and the call in P10 appears to have slight downward concavity, indicating these may be attributable to BW presence instead.
08/18/24 14:35:15Possibly detected48.6440-62.3822Possible BW D call in P12 and A calls in P15.
08/18/24 14:50:15Detected48.6441-62.3819High amplitude BW arch and D calls in P1-4.
08/18/24 15:05:15Detected48.6443-62.3816High amplitude BW arch and D calls in P4-7.
08/18/24 15:50:15Possibly detected48.6370-62.3762Probable partial BW arch calls in P2 & 3 and A calls in P6-11.
08/18/24 16:20:15Possibly detected48.6259-62.3692Possible BW arch call in P1 (broken pitch track, low amplitude) and D calls in P2. Possible RW upcalls in P8; although they are unclassified and low amplitude, they are isolated and have adequate shapes.
08/18/24 17:35:15Detected48.6255-62.3673Possible BW D calls/partial arch calls in P5 & 7-9, several of which appear to have downward concavity.
08/18/24 18:35:15Possibly detected48.6252-62.3658Possible BW D calls in P4, 5, & 13; although the call in P4 is classified as SW, the call in P5 appears to have slight downward concavity, indicating that these are attributable to BW presence.
08/18/24 19:05:15Possibly detected48.6250-62.3651Possible BW D calls in P2, 4, 6, & 8.
08/18/24 20:05:15Possibly detected48.6247-62.3635Possible BW D calls in P12, 14, & 15; the call in P12 has slight downward concavity.
08/18/24 21:05:15Detected48.5996-62.3123Probable BW calls in P6, 8, 10, & 13, several of which appear to have downward concavity.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/18/24 03:05:1548.6874-62.5092Three possible FW pulses in P1 with INI = 8 seconds.
08/18/24 03:35:1548.6873-62.5088One classified SW singlet in P7.
08/18/24 06:50:1548.6661-62.4416One classified SW singlet in P3 with possibly two additional downsweeps in P9 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 07:35:1548.6662-62.4408One classified SW singlet in P15 with possibly a second downsweep in P13 that is unclassified.
08/18/24 07:50:1548.6663-62.4405One classified SW singlet in P1 with possibly six additional downsweeps in P2 that are unclassified. The first two pairs of calls in P2 have about 3-4 seconds between calls; if any of these calls were classified, this period would be Detected for SW.
08/18/24 08:05:1548.6663-62.4402Two classified SW singlets in P7 and P8 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P4 and P9 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 08:20:1548.6664-62.4399Three classified SW singlets in P5-7.
08/18/24 08:35:1548.6664-62.4397One classified SW singlet in P7 with possibly a second downsweep in P8 that is unclassified.
08/18/24 09:05:1548.6665-62.4391Four classified SW singlets in P9 and P11-12 with possibly eight additional downsweeps between P8-14 that are unclassified. The calls in P11 could be triplets; the interval is about 3-4 seconds between calls, even though unclassified calls are only partially pitch tracked.
08/18/24 09:20:1548.6666-62.4389One classified SW singlet in P15 with possibly a second downsweep in P13 that is unclassified.
08/18/24 09:35:1548.6666-62.4386Three classified SW singlets in P1, P2, and P10.
08/18/24 09:50:1548.6667-62.4383Four classified SW singlets in P6 and P8-9 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P2, P4, and P11 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:05:1548.6667-62.4380Two classified SW singlets in P2 and P13 with possibly two additional downsweeps in P10 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:20:1548.6668-62.4378One classified SW singlet in P15 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P2 and P14 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:35:1548.6668-62.4375One classified SW singlet in P3 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P5, P8, and P14 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 10:50:1548.6611-62.4257One classified SW singlet in P14 with possibly three additional downsweeps in P2, P4, and P7 that are unclassified.
08/18/24 11:20:1548.6419-62.3862Possible BW D calls in P5 & 9, none of which have downward concavity.
08/18/24 11:35:1548.6421-62.3859Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P13 & 15 (classified as HW call type 17) and P11 (unclassified).
08/18/24 11:50:1548.6423-62.3856Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P2 (classified as HW call type 17) and P4 (unclassified).
08/18/24 12:05:1548.6424-62.3853Possible BW D calls in P8, 11, 13, & 15; none of these calls have discernible downward concavity, although their slope and duration indicate they are attributable to BW presence.
08/18/24 12:20:1548.6426-62.3850Possible SW downsweeps in P5 (classified) and P3 (unclassified), although these should be treated cautiously, given the slope and duration of the call in P3, which indicates these may be attributable to BW presence.
08/18/24 12:35:1548.6427-62.3847Possible BW calls in P4 & 6; although the call in P4 is classified as SW, the call in P6 appears to be a partial arch call with downward concavity, indicating these are attributable to BW presence. Possible RW upcalls in P6, although they are unclassified, low amplitude, have short durations, and aren't shapely calls.
08/18/24 12:50:1548.6429-62.3844Possible BW downsweeps in P6, 9, & 10; although the bout in P6 looks like it could be a SW triplet with one classification, it has inconsistent INIs that are > 3.5 s and the call in P10 appears to have slight downward concavity, indicating these may be attributable to BW presence instead.
08/18/24 13:05:1548.6430-62.3841Possible RW upcall in P9; although it is low amplitude, it is classified, isolated, and has an adequate shape despite a short duration.
08/18/24 14:05:1548.6437-62.3828Possible BW D call in P15.
08/18/24 14:20:1548.6438-62.3825Possible BW D call in P3.
08/18/24 14:35:1548.6440-62.3822Possible BW D call in P12 and A calls in P15.
08/18/24 14:50:1548.6441-62.3819High amplitude BW arch and D calls in P1-4.
08/18/24 15:05:1548.6443-62.3816High amplitude BW arch and D calls in P4-7.
08/18/24 15:20:1548.6445-62.3813Possible SW downsweep in P14, although this should be treated cautiously, given the confirmed BW presence in preceding periods.
08/18/24 15:35:1548.6446-62.3810Possible SW downsweep in P15, although this should be treated cautiously, given the confirmed BW presence in preceding periods.
08/18/24 15:50:1548.6370-62.3762Probable partial BW arch calls in P2 & 3 and A calls in P6-11.
08/18/24 16:20:1548.6259-62.3692Possible BW arch call in P1 (broken pitch track, low amplitude) and D calls in P2. Possible RW upcalls in P8; although they are unclassified and low amplitude, they are isolated and have adequate shapes.
08/18/24 17:35:1548.6255-62.3673Possible BW D calls/partial arch calls in P5 & 7-9, several of which appear to have downward concavity.
08/18/24 18:20:1548.6253-62.3662Possible BW D call in P12 (classified as HW call type 17).
08/18/24 18:35:1548.6252-62.3658Possible BW D calls in P4, 5, & 13; although the call in P4 is classified as SW, the call in P5 appears to have slight downward concavity, indicating that these are attributable to BW presence.
08/18/24 18:50:1548.6251-62.3654Possible BW D calls in P15.
08/18/24 19:05:1548.6250-62.3651Possible BW D calls in P2, 4, 6, & 8.
08/18/24 19:35:1548.6248-62.3643Probable BW D calls in P8 & 12 (no downward concavity).
08/18/24 19:50:1548.6248-62.3639Probable BW D call in P2.
08/18/24 20:05:1548.6247-62.3635Possible BW D calls in P12, 14, & 15; the call in P12 has slight downward concavity.
08/18/24 20:20:1548.6246-62.3632Possible BW D call in P3.
08/18/24 21:05:1548.5996-62.3123Probable BW calls in P6, 8, 10, & 13, several of which appear to have downward concavity.
