
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/08/24 00:05:1548.5345-62.1216P5 - two non-concave calls
08/08/24 00:20:1548.5345-62.1215P7&14 - P7 non concave call. P14 - a concave up call and a part of a non-concave call.
08/08/24 00:35:1548.5344-62.1214P1 - single point of a call.
08/08/24 06:05:1548.5023-62.1217P11 - single quiet call.
08/08/24 07:50:1548.4853-62.1039P7 - call across 50hz. Very quiet and has artefacts
08/08/24 17:05:1548.5015-62.0495P14 - part of a call below 50h. Very quiet.
08/08/24 19:05:1548.5006-62.0496P12 - part of a slight concave up call.
08/08/24 21:35:1548.5307-62.0817P5 - straight part of a call just below 50hz this could be part of an arch call but is very short. so not sure enough to mark PD for BW
08/08/24 22:50:1548.5309-62.0813P12 - concave up call.
08/08/24 23:05:1548.5310-62.0813P6 - potentially part of a call crossing 50hz here.
