Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/11/24 09:50:15Possibly detected48.5119-62.1196P3,5,10,16 - P16 is a SW classification. P10 is call 17. P3 and P5 have broken calls. Thus PD for SW as no BW evidence.
07/11/24 10:20:15Possibly detected48.5118-62.1195P12 single SW call. P13 - looks to be BW concave down.
07/11/24 13:20:15Possibly detected48.4952-62.0618P6,11,13 - P11 is a SW classified call. But P6 has a little down concavity so could be BW so have caution here not sure it is enough concavity to switch to PD for BW.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/11/24 13:05:15Detected48.4953-62.0618P5,8,11,15 - P8,11,15 are CallType 17. P5&P15 are concave down so marking detected for BW.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/11/24 09:20:1548.5119-62.1196P12 - single concave down call.
07/11/24 09:50:1548.5119-62.1196P3,5,10,16 - P16 is a SW classification. P10 is call 17. P3 and P5 have broken calls. Thus PD for SW as no BW evidence.
07/11/24 10:05:1548.5118-62.1196P7 single unclassified call.
07/11/24 10:20:1548.5118-62.1195P12 single SW call. P13 - looks to be BW concave down.
07/11/24 11:05:1548.5117-62.1194P6,9,15 - P15 is a calltype 17. Could be BW here but no concave down.
07/11/24 11:20:1548.5117-62.1194P3&10 - unclassified calls without concavity. Potential for BW.
07/11/24 11:31:5748.5017-62.0831P2 - single type 17 call.
07/11/24 13:05:1548.4953-62.0618P5,8,11,15 - P8,11,15 are CallType 17. P5&P15 are concave down so marking detected for BW.
07/11/24 13:20:1548.4952-62.0618P6,11,13 - P11 is a SW classified call. But P6 has a little down concavity so could be BW so have caution here not sure it is enough concavity to switch to PD for BW.
07/11/24 14:50:1548.4947-62.0620P3 &P4 - Two unclassified calls - broken so not marking for any detections.
07/11/24 15:05:1548.4946-62.0620P6,10,11 - unclassified calls here but there is no concavity to mark BW
07/11/24 16:50:1548.5046-62.0287P12 &13 - two calls but no down concavity
07/11/24 17:35:1548.5047-62.0298P15&16 - three unclassified calls no concavity to them
07/11/24 20:50:1548.5052-62.0346P8 - 17 calltype. P13 - broken down call. No concavity.
07/11/24 22:50:1548.5385-62.0800P10 - quiet unclassified call.
