Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/05/24 14:35:15Possibly detected48.8124-62.9213Possible high amplitude BW arch call in P10 and D call in P4; potential low- to mid-amplitude SW downsweeps in P12 (classified), P11 (classified as HW call type 17) and P15 (unclassified). Because there appears to be two sets of calls at different amplitudes, potentially indicating two calling animals, both species have been scored as PD here.
07/05/24 22:05:15Possibly detected48.7893-62.8423Possible SW downsweeps in P13 (classified) and P8 (unclassified).
07/05/24 23:20:15Possibly detected48.7891-62.8424Possible SW downsweeps in P3 & 12 (classified).

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/05/24 05:50:15Possibly detected48.8620-62.9778P4 and P7 - note the calls. P7 could have down would concavity but has 17 classification
07/05/24 14:35:15Possibly detected48.8124-62.9213Possible high amplitude BW arch call in P10 and D call in P4; potential low- to mid-amplitude SW downsweeps in P12 (classified), P11 (classified as HW call type 17) and P15 (unclassified). Because there appears to be two sets of calls at different amplitudes, potentially indicating two calling animals, both species have been scored as PD here.
07/05/24 23:35:15Possibly detected48.7891-62.8425Possible BW D calls in P5, 8, 9, 11, & 13; the call in P9 is concave-down.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/05/24 05:05:1548.8723-62.9399P11 and 14 note the calls. P15 has a 17 call. No context for BW .
07/05/24 05:50:1548.8620-62.9778P4 and P7 - note the calls. P7 could have down would concavity but has 17 classification
07/05/24 06:05:1548.8620-62.9777P5,6,8 - some 17 calls but no SW calls and no calls with down concavity.
07/05/24 06:20:1548.8619-62.9776P11 - concave down.
07/05/24 06:35:1548.8619-62.9776P1,2,8,15 - could be BW d-calls but no concavity.
07/05/24 06:50:1548.8618-62.9775P1 and 12 - note the calls no concave down.
07/05/24 08:05:1548.8615-62.9770P5 and 11 note the calls. P5 up call. P11 - unclear if this is actually d-call so no detection.
07/05/24 09:35:1548.8612-62.9765P5 - could be part of BW calls
07/05/24 11:50:1548.8127-62.9211Possible SW downsweeps in P12 (classified as HW call type 17) and P4 (unclassified).
07/05/24 12:20:1548.8126-62.9211Possible low amplitude BW D calls in P1 & 3; the call in P1 appears concave-down, although this is difficult to confirm due to its short duration.
07/05/24 12:50:1548.8126-62.9212Possible SW downsweeps in P2 & 16 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/05/24 13:05:1548.8126-62.9212Possible SW downsweeps in P6 & 9 (classified as HW call type 17) and P14 (unclassified).
07/05/24 13:20:1548.8125-62.9212Possible SW downsweeps in P14 (classified as HW call type 17) and P2 (unclassified).
07/05/24 13:35:1548.8125-62.9212Possible BW D calls in P4, 6, & 7; the calls in P4 & 6 appear concave-down, although this is difficult to confirm due to their short durations.
07/05/24 13:50:1548.8125-62.9212Possible SW downsweep in P12 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/05/24 14:35:1548.8124-62.9213Possible high amplitude BW arch call in P10 and D call in P4; potential low- to mid-amplitude SW downsweeps in P12 (classified), P11 (classified as HW call type 17) and P15 (unclassified). Because there appears to be two sets of calls at different amplitudes, potentially indicating two calling animals, both species have been scored as PD here.
07/05/24 14:50:1548.8124-62.9213Possible SW downsweeps in P7 & 14 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/05/24 14:57:1248.8124-62.9213Possible BW D call in P2 (concave-down).
07/05/24 15:20:1548.7976-62.9039Possible BW D calls in P4 & 7 (two of which are classified as HW call type 17); the second call in P4 is potentially concave-down, indicating BW presence, although the pitch track is broken, so this is difficult to confirm.
07/05/24 16:05:1548.7973-62.9040Possible SW downsweeps in P11 (classifed as HW call type 17) and P6 (unclassified).
07/05/24 16:20:1548.7973-62.9040Possible BW D call in P13 (concave-down).
07/05/24 17:50:1548.7968-62.9041Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P3 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/05/24 22:05:1548.7893-62.8423Possible SW downsweeps in P13 (classified) and P8 (unclassified).
07/05/24 22:20:1548.7893-62.8424Possible SW downsweeps in P1 & 7 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/05/24 23:20:1548.7891-62.8424Possible SW downsweeps in P3 & 12 (classified).
07/05/24 23:35:1548.7891-62.8425Possible BW D calls in P5, 8, 9, 11, & 13; the call in P9 is concave-down.
