Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/24/24 16:50:15Possibly detected48.3912-61.8384One SW downsweep - classed as 17 in P12
06/24/24 17:20:15Possibly detected48.3844-61.8103P7 - single SW downsweep Update 27/06/2024 - call is low amplitude and should be treated with caution,


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/24/24 00:05:1548.4327-61.9342P2,P4 & P5 v faint downsweep could be SW and P8,10,11,14 but very short
06/24/24 00:35:1548.4330-61.9345P1&P2 - FW w/ 5 sec INI but only those two and a third over a minute away so not possible detected.
06/24/24 05:50:1548.4499-61.9351potential 16sec INI of FW in P2. Not enough notes for PD or D
06/24/24 16:50:1548.3912-61.8384One SW downsweep - classed as 17 in P12
06/24/24 16:59:4548.3840-61.8099In P9 - three classes FW calls BUT they do not have consistent INI so not classes as deteced
06/24/24 17:20:1548.3844-61.8103P7 - single SW downsweep Update 27/06/2024 - call is low amplitude and should be treated with caution,
06/24/24 22:50:1548.3931-61.7632P12 - FW classified 5 sec apart - third call is more minute away (P13) - v far apart. No good INI and faint.
