Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/22/16 00:05:42 | 48.3619 | -62.8710 | Sei: p5 classified singlet. Possible |
08/22/16 14:05:42 | 48.3922 | -62.8473 | Sei: p2 and p13 loud singlets classified as 17. Have a bit of a arch to them so they may be blue.
Possible |
08/22/16 16:05:42 | 48.3781 | -62.8555 | Sei: several faint singlets, one classified as 17. Possible |
08/22/16 17:05:42 | 48.3710 | -62.8591 | Sei: very faint classified singlet. Not enough for possible |
08/22/16 18:05:42 | 48.3733 | -62.8928 | p10 some long LF tonals that may be bw arch calls |
08/22/16 19:20:42 | 48.3656 | -62.8966 | Sei: p7 very nice singlet classified as 17. Possible |
08/22/16 20:05:42 | 48.3609 | -62.8991 | Sei: p8 more LF singlets / tonals. One classified singlet. Some are longer duration than typical sei,
which makes me suspect blue. Possible |