Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
09/01/16 08:18:00 | 42.9435 | -63.1789 | p13 + p14, unknown HF tonals, not enough for possible humpback |
09/01/16 09:18:00 | 42.9373 | -63.1715 | Right: p15 classified upcall with very poor shape, not enough for possible |
09/01/16 09:33:00 | 42.9361 | -63.1699 | Fin: p2 3 classified fin calls in pattern, but amplitude of calls varies. Possible |
09/01/16 15:18:00 | 42.8904 | -63.1659 | Some MF tonals but very faint |
09/01/16 16:18:00 | 42.8857 | -63.1581 | Right: p2 1 faint classified upcall amid other tonal noise. Not enough for possible |
09/01/16 17:18:00 | 42.8807 | -63.1496 | p9 unknown HF noise |