
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/24/23 05:19:4948.8432-62.9601Possible high-frequency HW downsweeps at the start of the period? Artifacts make it difficult to tell whether these are genuine calls.
07/24/23 07:19:4948.8455-62.9542Possible HW downsweeps in P5 & 6? Artifacts make it difficult to tell whether these are genuine calls.
07/24/23 07:49:4948.8453-62.9543Possible HW calls throughout the period, however, there is no clear pattern and artifacts make it difficult to tell which pitch tracks may be genuine calls.
07/24/23 12:04:4948.8276-62.9374Possible HW calls from P8 onwards, however, there is no clear pattern, calls have short durations and low amplitudes, and artifacts make it difficult to tell which pitch tracks may be genuine calls.
07/24/23 23:04:4948.7984-62.8599Possible HW calls throughout the period, however, there is no clear pattern, calls have short durations and low amplitudes, and artifacts make it difficult to tell which pitch tracks may be genuine calls.
07/24/23 23:19:4948.7982-62.8599Possible HW calls throughout the period, however, there is no clear pattern, calls have short durations and low amplitudes, and artifacts make it difficult to tell which pitch tracks may be genuine calls.
