Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/21/24 09:05:20Possibly detected42.9244-68.6097Very long, loud downsweep in P2 that could be SW. There’s another in P11 that’s classified as SW but the pitch track is broken, shortening the first part which is likely why it was classified. The whole call looks quite long, most likely sei though.
06/21/24 16:05:20Detected42.8807-68.6613One classified doublet.
06/21/24 17:20:20Detected42.8831-68.6728One faint classified doublet.
06/21/24 18:20:20Detected42.8855-68.6915Classified and unclassified doublets.
06/21/24 20:05:20Detected42.8985-68.7160Classified doublet.
06/21/24 22:20:20Possibly detected42.9029-68.7498Three loud unclassified singlets in P13-15.
06/21/24 22:35:20Possibly detected42.9028-68.7537One possible unclassified singlet in P1.
06/21/24 23:20:20Detected42.9023-68.7542Classified doublet.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/21/24 03:11:4642.9263-68.5667One downsweep classified as sei but could be noise.
06/21/24 09:05:2042.9244-68.6097Very long, loud downsweep in P2 that could be SW. There’s another in P11 that’s classified as SW but the pitch track is broken, shortening the first part which is likely why it was classified. The whole call looks quite long, most likely sei though.
06/21/24 16:05:2042.8807-68.6613One classified doublet.
06/21/24 17:20:2042.8831-68.6728One faint classified doublet.
06/21/24 18:20:2042.8855-68.6915Classified and unclassified doublets.
06/21/24 20:05:2042.8985-68.7160Classified doublet.
06/21/24 22:20:2042.9029-68.7498Three loud unclassified singlets in P13-15.
06/21/24 22:35:2042.9028-68.7537One possible unclassified singlet in P1.
06/21/24 23:20:2042.9023-68.7542Classified doublet.
