Platform casf0222_casf
Autonomous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform casf

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Background noise spectra:


Daily tally tables:




Date/timeBlue whaleFin whaleOtherDurationTracks
02/08/22 00:03:34026900PT
02/08/22 00:18:34112176900PT
02/08/22 00:33:340038900
02/08/22 00:48:34118900PT
02/08/22 01:03:340337900PT
02/08/22 01:18:340550900PT
02/08/22 01:33:341256900PT
02/08/22 01:48:3405217900PT
02/08/22 02:03:3437138900
02/08/22 02:18:3411166900
02/08/22 02:33:342033900
02/08/22 02:48:341341900PT
02/08/22 03:03:341454900PT
02/08/22 03:18:341622900PT
02/08/22 03:33:340259900PT
02/08/22 03:48:34006900PT
02/08/22 04:03:34016900PT
02/08/22 04:18:341417900PT
02/08/22 04:33:342064900PT
02/08/22 04:48:3422118900PT
02/08/22 05:03:343096900PT
02/08/22 05:18:340041900
02/08/22 05:33:340211900
02/08/22 05:48:340120900PT
02/08/22 06:03:34008900PT
02/08/22 06:18:34015900PT
02/08/22 06:33:341510900PT
02/08/22 06:48:341371900PT
02/08/22 07:03:3401120900PT
02/08/22 07:18:3403115900PT
02/08/22 07:33:342014900
02/08/22 07:48:340036900PT
02/08/22 08:03:3431233900PT
02/08/22 08:18:3411146900
02/08/22 08:33:3410187900
02/08/22 08:48:342073900PT
02/08/22 09:03:3410133900PT
02/08/22 09:18:3401121900
02/08/22 09:33:3420162900
02/08/22 09:48:3421193900PT
02/08/22 10:03:3405170900PT
02/08/22 10:18:3420267900
02/08/22 10:33:3410303900
02/08/22 10:48:3430309900PT
02/08/22 11:03:3431380900
02/08/22 11:18:3431504900
02/08/22 11:33:3430456900
02/08/22 11:48:3420392900PT
02/08/22 12:03:3402361900
02/08/22 12:18:3443376900
02/08/22 12:33:3450211900
02/08/22 12:48:3433344900PT
02/08/22 13:03:3420152900
02/08/22 13:18:343076900
02/08/22 13:33:3412157900
02/08/22 13:48:340148900PT
02/08/22 14:03:340261900PT
02/08/22 14:18:341283900PT
02/08/22 14:33:341168900
02/08/22 14:48:340080900PT
02/08/22 15:03:340154900PT
02/08/22 15:18:340241900PT
02/08/22 15:33:3411100900PT
02/08/22 15:48:3422139900PT
02/08/22 16:03:3400245900PT
02/08/22 16:18:3452334900
02/08/22 16:33:3442201900
02/08/22 16:48:3430309900PT
02/08/22 17:03:3430145900
02/08/22 17:18:3420125900
02/08/22 17:33:341058900
02/08/22 17:48:343059900PT
02/08/22 18:03:340147900PT
02/08/22 18:18:34026900PT
02/08/22 18:33:340216900PT
02/08/22 18:48:341030900PT
02/08/22 19:03:340113900PT
02/08/22 19:18:340113900PT
02/08/22 19:33:34016900PT
02/08/22 19:48:340012900PT
02/08/22 20:03:34006900PT
02/08/22 20:18:34118900PT
02/08/22 20:33:34013900PT
02/08/22 20:48:34029900PT
02/08/22 21:03:34049900PT
02/08/22 21:18:341316900PT
02/08/22 21:33:340213900PT
02/08/22 21:48:343184900PT
02/08/22 22:03:340427900PT
02/08/22 22:18:340116900PT
02/08/22 22:33:340122900PT
02/08/22 22:48:3401924900PT
02/08/22 23:03:3402556900PT
02/08/22 23:18:3412075900PT
02/08/22 23:33:341834900
02/08/22 23:48:3421380900PT



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in PST time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics